Did you see this one? A Car named Zoe

I just stumbled across this story of interest on Yahoo. Apparently, 2 families in [name]France[/name] have sued automaker [name]Renault[/name] over an electric car model to be named ‘[name]Zoe[/name]’. The families, both with the surname [name]Renault[/name], were concerned about the potential teasing of their daughters who are already named [name]Zoe[/name]. (I wish I could post a link, but it was a video, and I’m not sure how to link to that.) I have heard of people steering clear of a name because it might be linked to a car model already on the roads, but this is a complete reversal, in this case the children are already named and the car company is wanting to use the same name. BTW, the judge in this case ruled in favor of the automaker, saying something along the lines that the families would only have a case if they could proove that the name of the car would cause “certain direct and current harm” to the girls. Interesting, huh?

Berries, weigh in.

P.S. The story/video clip was called “[name]Judge[/name] rules against girls named [name]Zoe[/name]”.