I think i might be using this site wrong. Whats the difference between topics and posts? Also where can i ask questions like these cause im sure this isnt right
You can ask site-related questions in the #all-about-nameberry forum.
A topic is basically a thread. So, if you start a new thread asking a specific question (Middle name for [name_m]Peter[/name_m]? [name_f]Chloe[/name_f] or [name_f]Clara[/name_f]? etc.) that’s a topic.
A post is either the same as a topic, or it can also be a response to someone else’s topic. So any time you write something and hit enter, that’s a post.
No big deal which you prefer to use though! I think everyone understands what you mean either way from context.
Might be helpful to add: on the old forum software thread was the term for what we call topic now, for that reason many users still call it that So there’s no difference between topic and thread!
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