Disagree with Nameberry definition/description/popularity on a name....

I’m wondering how much pull Nameberry writers have on encouraging/discouraging someone from choosing a name. Some of the descriptions behind names are quite opinionated…of course, it’s an editorial style and that is to be expected…but I’m curious, all the same. While names like [name]Fred[/name] and [name]Endicott[/name] get the NB writers’ praise or at least a short but pleasant description, others get their snub. Does an acclaimed naming site have much sway on prospective names with parents? Other sites that declare the popularity of the name in the last 100 years, or that have quotes from people (and votes) on how they dealt with the name growing up, etc…perhaps they also have a sway?

What is your opinion?

Edited for privacy.

Privacy edited.

Wow, super informative background! Thanks to both of you…

Yes, I agree with what you’re saying…just wondered how much affect naming sites/books have on the public’s opinion on names… It seems certain celebrity babies have made names pop, so it is an interesting idea. But overall, I think the ppl going to NB and other naming sites are probably going in “deep” for their name, so it most likely is more of a “what does this ‘magazine’s’ opinoin mean to you,” as you were saying, saracita.

See, I disagree with this. If you’re saying it, obviously you also think it. The “I think” part is assumed.

I don’t let Nameberry affect my opinion. I rarely look up names in the database, as Behind the Name is much more reliable when it comes to etymology.

Great post. I agree and especially like this last bit. Nameberry commentary is just an opinion but it is an opinion that’s out there, and probably something that should be considered even if it doesn’t actually change your choices.

Yep, this exactly. There’s a time and a place for eggshell opinions, but we’re not on a political or religious board. “I think” a lot of the whining in this matter is hormonal :smiley:

I sometimes look names up on Nameberry if I just want a quick look at popularity or spelling variations or something, but I find the meanings to be off a good bit of the time. Though they are going for extreme brevity there, which isn’t always possible.

I love the opinions offered. [name]Even[/name] if I disagree with them they are a great way to find out how somebody else thinks about the name. I also find them interesting to read. However I don’t think they would be a huge influence. If somebody was on the fence enough to be influenced then they might have changed their mind anyways or been swayed by family or friends.