Disappointed my husband doesn't agree ...

I have two girls already, and I have always brought up the name ‘[name]Coral[/name]’ … which my husband immediately shuts down. I wish I could just let it go - but our last name starts with ‘C’ and I love the alliteration! Any advice to help me move on to a different name?

Any name that starts with a C or K will also alliterate.

[name]Cora[/name], [name]Caroline[/name], [name]Katherine[/name], etc. [name]Claire[/name]/[name]Clare[/name]/[name]Clara[/name] would be my picks.

My oldest has the middle name [name]Caralee[/name] - guess I should have held that one on the backburner! Lol.

I second the suggestion of [name]Cora[/name], or [name]Coralie[/name]/[name]Coraline[/name]. Or something like [name]Carine[/name], or if you want to stick with nature: [name]Clover[/name], [name]Camilla[/name], [name]Calla[/name]?

If it’s an absolute veto for him, I’d probably try to move on. Though, that being said my husband didn’t like [name]Cormac[/name] at All when I first mentioned it and now it’s our expected twin boy’s first name. So, I guess I persisted with it. However, I don’t think he would have changed his mind if he didn’t start a new job during the early naming phase and began working with a [name]Cormac[/name] (up until then he’d never heard it before and the only connection he had was McCormick seasoning). I was totally prepared to let it go at that point.

Maybe if you wanted to compile a list of noteworthy people named [name]Coral[/name], to show him that it’s a substantial name? Other than that, if he just plainly doesn’t like it there won’t be much that will change his mind and you don’t want to force a name that isn’t well received by one parent.

As has been mentioned, there are tons of C/K names out there that are wonderful. All three of mine have a C name. [name]Conor[/name], [name]Cormac[/name], and [name]Cordelia[/name]. You never know what you’ll run into that sparks that same kind of feeling in you, and maybe you’ll both love it! :slight_smile:

is he able to explain why he doesn’t like it? if yes, maybe you can work with his reasoning to convince him its ok, or find something with a similar feel that works for both of you ([name]Cora[/name], [name]Cara[/name], [name]Coralie[/name], [name]Caroline[/name]). or it might be something he won’t let go of, in which case you might have to take one for the team - think how you’d feel if he insisted on a name that you just couldn’t stomach.

I had a C-K alliteration name before I got married and honestly, I LOVED my alliteration, it just sounds very peppy and catchy. My mother was actually worried that it would sound wrong until someone reminded her that [name]Caroline[/name] [name]Kennedy[/name] managed just fine with it. (All those Kardashians seem to be getting by okay too…insert eyeroll, but it works).

[name]Camilla[/name], [name]Coralie[/name], [name]Cambria[/name], [name]Calla[/name], [name]Caledonia[/name], [name]Clio[/name], [name]Colette[/name], [name]Carys[/name]…if he hates [name]Coral[/name], you do need to move along and not dwell, you want a name both of you love! Its hard letting go when you love a name, but it happens to all (well, probably most) of us.

I think he believes the name to be too stuffy? IE - old. I don’t know where he’s getting that from - our other two girls are [name]Scarlett[/name] and [name]Aurora[/name]! (Not the freshest names out there - no offense to my girls - lol). For some reason he won’t budge - and alas I guess I need to just drop it … no matter how sad it makes me. It’s a bummer because he had no arguments with the other two names I liked - guess 2 outta 3 isn’t so bad!

[name]Coral[/name] is a very sweet name, if stuffiness is the problem does he think of the bright friendly color? That would go with [name]Scarlett[/name] and even [name]Aurora[/name] (thinking of the colors of dawn and of the [name]Aurora[/name] Borealis). That said, if he really won’t budge, maybe it’s a consolation that it won’t be too theme-y, if you stay away from it.

I adore the name [name]Coral[/name], but I do know sometimes when it comes up here people point out the, um, rhyming issue (oral). I don’t think it’s an absolute bar on using it (plenty of other perfectly nice names have comparable problems), but I wonder if that’s a hang up your husband isn’t mentioning, or if it helps you get over it if you can’t use it.

[name]Pearl[/name], [name]Opal[/name], [name]Ruby[/name], and [name]Cameo[/name] kind of capture some of the old gemstone appeal to me, and [name]Pearl[/name], [name]Opal[/name], and [name]Cameo[/name] have some sound overlap even ([name]Ruby[/name] I really think probably would be too much with sister [name]Scarlett[/name], yeah?). [name]Do[/name] you like any of those?

I also like the suggestions of [name]Cora[/name].

There’s also a Spanish (I think) name, [name]Coraima[/name], that is tricky but kind of intriguing (to me).

You will get there rest assured! Would he consider [name]Coral[/name] as a middle?

Good luck!

[name]How[/name] about [name]Corinne[/name]? And I love [name]Cora[/name]! I would probably try to find another name to fall in love with.

I have a friend first name K and surname C, sound K K, she didn’t like it at all so now uses K (first name hyphen second name [name]Anne[/name]) to break up the alliteration, so my advice is if you go with a KK sound make the middle something she can use as a double barrell first name.


[name]Ruby[/name] is actually a name we like but you’re right - [name]Ruby[/name] and [name]Scarlett[/name] are too red, and we call [name]Aurora[/name] [name]Rory[/name] - so [name]Rory[/name] and [name]Ruby[/name] back to back would be overkill! Lol. Our frontrunner is [name]Ivy[/name] - i’m not sure how [name]Ivy[/name] [name]Coral[/name] flows … Oh, men! Why can’t you just let us have our way!

And thanks everyone for the support and suggestions!

Sorry about [name]Coral[/name] especially since you loved it, but I do think that [name]Cora[/name] or even [name]Coral[/name] would be pretty close to [name]Aurora[/name] and [name]Rory[/name]. I like [name]Ivy[/name] though and think [name]Ivy[/name] [name]Coral[/name] or [name]Ivy[/name] [name]Cora[/name] would work well. Here are some other possibilities:

[name]Scarlett[/name], [name]Aurora[/name] and


On the other hand, I have a K fn and C ln and I have always gotten compliments that I have a such a great name, and I agree. I love the sound of my name (well, my nn and ln together haha…I don’t 100% love my full fn).

You have [name]Scarlett[/name] and [name]Aurora[/name] which to me are pretty and ‘on trend’ names.
I tend to agree with your Hubby- [name]Coral[/name] seem less on trend. Although you could argue [name]Coral[/name] and [name]Scarlett[/name] are both colours, [name]Aurora[/name] and [name]Coral[/name] are both nature names. So in some sense it does match.
What names has he suggested? I am imagining a name like [name]Elodie[/name] would match.

The name we’ve agreed upon the most is [name]Ivy[/name] … i’m having trouble completely wrapping my brain around it because 1.) recent miscarriage and 2.) [name]Beyonce[/name] association. I think if I could wipe those things out of my brain, [name]Ivy[/name] would be perfect … but i’m still stuck on it and trying to regroup. We’ve talked about [name]Dixie[/name]. Maybe baby will be a boy and we can just forget this girl name stuff! HOWEVER - last night I had a breakthrough with him and he opened his mind about [name]Coral[/name] if we combined it with something very southern … Haha. I don’t know - guess i’ll put it on the backburner and see if it eventually comes naturally. :slight_smile:

[name]Ivy[/name] is sweet. Sorry to hear about your MC, it’s heartbreaking isn’t it?
If you like [name]Dixie[/name] how about [name]Beatrix[/name] nn [name]Trixie[/name]?

I wouldn’t go with [name]Cora[/name] since it rhymes with [name]Aurora[/name]. I love, love, love [name]Ivy[/name]! It was my hard-to-get-over name that my hubby vetoed.

It stings when the man can’t just agree! I’m the one doing all the hard work! Lol.