Do Hudson and Mason go together

See the results of this poll: What name goes with Hudson

Respondents: 13 (This poll is closed)

  • Mason : 3 (23%)
  • Isaac: 1 (8%)
  • Blake: 5 (38%)
  • Nathan: 2 (15%)
  • Hunter: 1 (8%)
  • Dominic: 0 (0%)
  • Ethan: 1 (8%)

I’m not a huge fan of [name]Mason[/name] and [name]Hudson[/name] together. [name]Both[/name] end with “son” so it makes them too close to me. I love [name]Blake[/name], and actually voted for it before I read that its second in line for you. I think [name]Blake[/name] [name]Issac[/name] works just fine.

I think [name]Mason[/name] and [name]Hudson[/name] are ok together but they’re too similar for me (if it were my boys). I kind of like the names that don’t end in -n to go with [name]Hudson[/name]. I voted for [name]Blake[/name]. -er ending would be ok too but the Hu of [name]Hunter[/name] put me off of that choice.

This is a fun post for me, because my absolute favorite boys name is hunter, which we’ll use for a boy, followed by [name]Hudson[/name] then [name]Mason[/name]. Weird!

I know two brothers named [name]Hunter[/name] and [name]Hudson[/name]! I love that combo

I love [name]Hunter[/name] but I would not have two siblings with the same initial.
[name]Mason[/name] is too matchy.
My pick is [name]Blake[/name].

[name]Blake[/name] and [name]Hudson[/name] make a good pair

[name]Hi[/name]! :slight_smile: From your list, I voted for [name]Blake[/name] with [name]Hudson[/name]. I agree that for me, two names ending in -son would be too similar.

You said you’re looking for Hebrew names with [name]Isaac[/name]:

[name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Isaac[/name]
[name]Gideon[/name] [name]Isaac[/name]
[name]Jude[/name] [name]Isaac[/name] (not the best flow, but I can see [name]Hudson[/name] and [name]Jude[/name] as brothers)
[name]Nathaniel[/name] [name]Isaac[/name]
[name]Abbott[/name] [name]Isaac[/name] (not the best flow, but it’s Hebrew, and I think [name]Abbott[/name] and [name]Issac[/name] work)
[name]Gabriel[/name] [name]Isaac[/name]
[name]Zachary[/name] [name]Isaac[/name]

Good luck! :slight_smile:

We also love [name]Ryan[/name]

I did vote here but I guess I didn’t post. I voted for [name]Blake[/name]. The -son ending is too matchy for me. I love both [name]Hudson[/name] and [name]Mason[/name] just not as brothers, maybe cousins. :slight_smile:
[name]Hudson[/name] and [name]Blake[/name] have that same surname charm they go together well and yet stand out own there own.

I like the -er ending for [name]Hunter[/name] with [name]Hudson[/name] but with both starting out out Hu- it’s too much.

Vote for [name]Ethan[/name]

I do too.

Could it be [name]Ryan[/name] [name]Blake[/name] or [name]Blake[/name] [name]Ryan[/name]?