Do LORIEN and VIVIENNE go together?

[name]Hi[/name] all,
bit of a dilemma - my favourite boys name and favourite girls name have the same ending sound (…IEN), and depending on whether I have a boy or girl first I don’t want to use one name and then not be able to use the other name for a future sibling.
[name]Do[/name] same ending sibling names sound too over the top? Your opinion would be appreciated!

BOY - LORIEN (meaning ‘king of dreams’, inspired by Tolkien)
GIRL - [name]VIVIENNE[/name]

My other favourite names are [name]JAI[/name] for a boy, and [name]LUNA[/name] or [name]SOFIA[/name] for a girl.

They go together like matching twin names… (terribly stylish ones, but too matching for me nevertheless.)
However, I’d use the one you love first, and then by the time you’re ready for another baby, who knows, maybe you’ll have changed your mind about the other and it won’t be a problem

I agree with Holbs. They go together nicely, but the rhyming is too much for me. If it doesn’t bother you, then go for both, if it does, use the one your heart wants the most. Or, you could use one as a first and one as a middle?

For what it’s worth, I considered Lorien for a girl because to me, it sounds very girly, so maybe that might influence you to use Lorien in the middle for a boy and [name]Vivienne[/name] as a first for a girl.

The rhyming is a bit too much for me, I [name]LOVE[/name] Lorien though, and Lorien [name]Jai[/name] and [name]Sofia[/name] [name]Vivienne[/name] would make a cute sib-set.

Agree, love Lorien but a bit much with [name]Vivienne[/name].

I agree with another poster that Lorien sounds feminine. I’m an avid Tolkein nerd myself and have considered this name, but for a girl. If you don’t like it for a girl as much as you like [name]Vivienne[/name] for a girl then I would take it off the list. Name a boy [name]Sam[/name] instead. :slight_smile:

I think that the rhyming endings are slightly awkward, but they’re not awful. I don’t think that they’re a large enough issue to warrant not using those names if they’re otherwise you’re absolute favorites.

I definitely assumed that Lorien was meant to be used on a girl at first, though.

They sound okay, not the worst. They are a little rhymey though, as others have said. I think Lorien sounds a bit feminine too.

Lorien sounds a bit too femm to me as a boy name. Plus you would run into him being called the more traditional “[name]Loren[/name]” name. People would probably just assume you got Kreative with your spelling :slight_smile:

I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Vivienne[/name] though, it is a very stylish choice. What about other names from the books for a boy, like [name]Halden[/name]? Or even Tolkien as a name? I found this nifty list of Tolkien character names you might be interested in: List of Middle-earth characters - Wikipedia

Cousins yes, siblings no, sorry, it’s just too much…