My name starts with an A, my DH with a B. When we had our son four years ago we fell in love with the name [name]Coleman[/name] (as a less popular form of [name]Cole[/name]). Plus I thought it was fun that we had this ABC thing going. When we were expecting baby #2 I had hoped for a boy and planned to name him [name]Davis[/name]. Well, we had a girl and I really didnt fall in love with any D girl names. Instead we named her [name]Emelia[/name]. We do have a pet named [name]Dash[/name] and joked that we had D covered.
We are now expecting baby #3, another girl. Our dilemma–do we go back and name her a D name, name her an F name or just forego the ABC theme all together. Is the whole ABC thing silly? No one has ever said anything to us positively or negatively—so not sure if our friends and family are secretly making fun of us behind our backs
Names we have thought of for #3 (note: we are set on [name]Mae[/name] for a middle name–after my [name]MIL[/name]):
[name]Daphne[/name] [name]Mae[/name]
[name]Dakota[/name] [name]Mae[/name]
[name]Finley[/name] [name]Mae[/name]
I also really love [name]Olive[/name] [name]Mae[/name], but would she feel left out?
I really don’t think you need to stick to it. I mean, if you want to, sure, do it. I actually think the ABC theme is really cute. I’ve seen it a couple times and I love seeing it continued. But honestly, since you sort of broke it with [name]Emelia[/name], I don’t see any reason why you should feel compelled to keep with the theme. If you find a really great “D” or “F” name, great. If not, that’s great, too.
From your list, I have to say I adore [name]Olive[/name] [name]Mae[/name] and [name]Daphne[/name] [name]Mae[/name]! [name]Olive[/name] and [name]Daphne[/name] are two personal favorites of mine. I think both are just fab with [name]Emelia[/name], too.
I don’t think an ABC theme is silly at all-it’s quite sweet,actually. I would rather see an ABC theme than oh I don’t know, a Duggar family esque theme of everyone having the same initials? [name]Daphne[/name] [name]Mae[/name] and [name]Olive[/name] [name]Mae[/name] are my favorites! [name]Dakota[/name] and [name]Finley[/name] feel out of place with your other kids’ names.
I love [name]Daphne[/name] [name]Mae[/name], but [name]Olive[/name] [name]Mae[/name] is my favorite. [name]Olive[/name] [name]Mae[/name] is beautiful, and would fit right in with [name]Coleman[/name] and [name]Emelia[/name]. You can’t go wrong though. They’re both beautiful combos!
I agree with the previous poster’s that you only should stick with the ABC theme if you can find a D or F name that you really love. Perhaps you would also like [name]Fern[/name]?
I personally dislike the name [name]Olive[/name] but adore the name [name]Daphne[/name] and I also have a super soft spot for [name]Finley[/name] though I agree that you should only continue the trend is you fall in love with a D name or F name
My favourite F name is [name]Faye[/name] but with the middle name [name]Mae[/name] it wouldn’t work, a name my cousin was considering for her daughter was Fayleigh which could work if you liked it
Find a name that you love because that’s really the most important thing I think
Oh my gosh, [name]Olive[/name] [name]Mae[/name] is adorable! Especially since you love it so much. In a way, I think you’ve created a new “theme” if you go that route - [name]Dash[/name] is a boy dog, correct? And your husband’s name starts with B, and your son’s with C. Well, B, C, and D are all consonants! And your name starts with A, your daughter’s with E, and [name]Olive[/name] with O - all vowels! If it were me, I’d go with an F name I really loved (I have one, so it wouldn’t be too difficult), or go with the name combo I really loved regardless of pattern - and I think you’ve found that name. Good luck!
I’ll echo everyone else’s thoughts that if there is a D or F name you really love, it would be cool and you should definitely continue the theme! But if continuing the theme would mean settling for a name you don’t particularly love, don’t do so just for the sake of keeping it up.
I think you should just pick a name you love. What if you have another child and don’t love any names with a G at the beginning? I like a previous posters comment on how all the boys have consonants and the girls have vowels. I think that could be another great way to stick to a theme if you must have one. [name]Just[/name] make sure if you have some back up girl/boy names that follow this theme.
I love [name]Daphne[/name] and [name]Olive[/name]. I agree with pp about following the theme only if you really love the name. It is cute though. My sis in law’s kids have B, A, E and C initials, in that order (not abc’s on purpose). She just had number five and I totally thought it would be fun if she could find a D name to fill in the gap but she didn’t have one she loved, [name]Stella[/name] is her number five. I’m sure I’m the only person in the world that ever even noticed the abc’s anyway because I think about names so much more than anyone else!
Your children belong to your family no matter what they’re named-- don’t worry about coming up with the perfect bookended set. I think imposing a theme can straightjacket you, and most people aren’t likely to notice it.
Although I do like [name]Daphne[/name] [name]Mae[/name], sticking to a pattern really limits your name choices. My advice: just choose a name you love irregardless of the alphabet. Why would a child feel left out? You have a [name]Coleman[/name] and [name]Emelia[/name] and you picked them because you loved the names, right? So if you do the same with your third child, then everything is pretty even.
You bent the rules before because you didnt love a D name, I’d continue along the same path, use your pattern as long as it corresponds to a name you love, but don’t feel locked into anything. I don’t think it’s necessary to continue ABCs, but it is a really sweet little story.
[name]Daphne[/name] [name]Mae[/name] is definitely my favorite from your list.
I also like [name]Delaney[/name] [name]Mae[/name], [name]Dahlia[/name] [name]Mae[/name], or [name]Dianna[/name] [name]Mae[/name]. [name]Fiona[/name] [name]Mae[/name] or [name]Felicity[/name] [name]Mae[/name] would be my picks for F.
I would just stick with whatever name you love. But I wouldn’t go with [name]Olive[/name] [name]Mae[/name]. I’d change it to [name]Olivia[/name], regardless of popularity. [name]Olive[/name] [name]Mae[/name] doesn’t flow like [name]Olivia[/name] [name]Mae[/name] does.
I don’t think most people would notice the ABC theme (especially since you skipped D and went straight to E) so if I were you, I would just go with a name that you loved.
I don’t know if you should stick to theme or not, it’s tough call…I totally understand the pressure to do it though. I do want to say I [name]LOVE[/name] the name [name]Finley[/name] [name]Mae[/name]…I think that is so cute!! I always liked the name [name]Finley[/name] but only heard for a guy and always felt it seemed a bit feminine…for a girl it is sweet, especially paired with [name]Mae[/name]!