Do you know a Jonah?


Do you know a Jonah? What’s he like - personality traits (well-behaved/ active/ artistic/ practical/ sweet/ etc…)

My name is Amanda and I feel like all the Amanda’s I met throughout my life resembled each other.

I don’t personally know any Jonah’s so I would love to hear your experiences !

Thank you !

I went to middle and high school with a Jonah. Sweet boy, kind, polite, popular, handsome. Not the deepest thinker or the smartest dude around, but definitely not dumb.

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Yes, I know a highschool-aged Jonah. He’s fairly athletic (he plays soccer), but he’s also a big gamer. He can dish out a few rude remarks, but overall a decent guy.

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I have met 2 [name_m]Jonahs[/name_m]. I don’t know them well enough to describe what they are like! One is probably around 22 now, one is 17.

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I know two [name_m]Jonahs[/name_m] and one [name_m]Jona[/name_m] (both high school age). The [name_m]Jona[/name_m] I know is cheeky, extroverted and a lover of football (soccer). The [name_m]Jonahs[/name_m] are both sociable, funny, knowledgeable and outgoing.

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edited for privacy

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I do know a [name_u]Jonah[/name_u] (Not even lying when I saw he is right in front of me rn)! He’s one of my friends, late teens, very energetic and a social butterfly, loves sports and sneakers, a very sweet and polite and fun person

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I know one [name_u]Jonah[/name_u] - middle school age. He’s pretty athletic and likes being outside and joking around. I don’t know him very well but he’s a fun guy.

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I used to know a high school-aged [name_u]Jonah[/name_u]. I didn’t know him very well but he seemed nice and funny.

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my sons name is jonah!!! (so yes, I know a jonah :joy:)

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Had one in my youth group, remember him being kind and funny if also a bit shy. Would be 19-20 now.

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[name_u]Love[/name_u] this description! Thank you!!

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[name_u]Love[/name_u] the name!

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I know one but I don’t really know that much about him- he’s in the grade above me so I don’t talk to him that much

I don’t know a [name_u]Jonah[/name_u]

One of my teachers has a son named [name_u]Jonah[/name_u] who’s about 10/11 years old!

Yes I have an older brother named [name_u]Jonah[/name_u]. I know a few others as well. It’s a pretty common Jewish name so I’ve heard of a handful at least.