Anyone you know named Valkyrie?
It is top of our list. Hubby is 100% in. I’m about 80%, so still working through it.
Anyone you know named Valkyrie?
It is top of our list. Hubby is 100% in. I’m about 80%, so still working through it.
I live in Australia and have never heard that name. To be honest, I have no idea to pronounce it!!
I don’t know any people named Valkyrie but I do see it used as a pet name occasionally.
I do not know anyone by that name, but it sounds interesting. I love unique names!
No, never. I’ve seen it very occasionally on Nameberry over the years. It’s been suggested to me several times within that (it shares a few attributes to my general style for girls definitely).
I think it’s beautiful and with an incredible heritage behind it. At first it feels a bit jarringly like a fantasy character (and I’m saying that as somebody who is familiar w the ancient mythology), but the sound itself is very pretty and modern feeling. I would love to meet a kid, or anyone, with this name.
I know one person who has it as a last name (not sure if it’s legally their last name or not, though), but I’ve never heard it used as a first name.
I immediately thought of the [name_f]Marvel[/name_f] character though I do realize it has much older mythology behind it. I like it actually. It has a beautiful sound and history. I do think that many people may also think of the [name_f]Marvel[/name_f] character too though.
My first thought was the Norse mythology (and the [name_f]Marvel[/name_f] character obviously!) It’s definitely unique, and I think it would grow on me.
I’ve always loved how this sounded but I’m not brave enough to use it as a first name.
But I’d definitely like to meet a little Valkyrie.
I’ve never met or heard of anyone named Valkyrie. I think it’s a brave and bold choice.
I’ve never heard of anyone with that name, but the war imagery is a bit jarring for my tastes.
Thank you all! We love it for its [name_f]Marvel[/name_f] ties (hubby is huge comic geek). We also like its Norse mythology of being fierce warrior angels whose swords reflection are the ‘cause’ of the northern lights. We want something strong and not so much too adorable as we view her already as a badass who has persisted through the odds (4.5 years infertility). I’m terrified to commit to it because on other sites I’ve recieved backlash due to the [name_m]Tom[/name_m] [name_f]Cruise[/name_f] movie and the modern imagery of sexualization of the female form in art. I Guess there’s backlash for every name somewhere. We’re thinking of pairing it with [name_u]Ember[/name_u] : Valkyrie [name_u]Ember[/name_u]. I hope it’s not too hard to pronounce ([name_u]Val[/name_u]-kur-ee). We have til [name_u]June[/name_u] for me to get to 100%.
I was brought up watch [name_m]Wagner[/name_m]'s [name_m]Ring[/name_m] Cycle as my “Bedtime [name_u]Story[/name_u]” - crazy but true - so I love Valkyrie as a Name which I associate with the [name_m]Wagnerian[/name_m] Valkyries: Brünnhilde, Gerhilde, Ortlinde, Waltraute, Schwertleite, Helmwige, Siegrune, Grimgerde, and [name_f]Ro[/name_f]ßweiße!!
[name_u]Ember[/name_u] is a FABULOUS Name too! Both Valkyrie [name_u]Ember[/name_u] and [name_u]Ember[/name_u] Valkyrie are exquisite!!
Valkyrie [name_u]Ember[/name_u] is pretty amazing
I’m feeling a little better about the name. Would a shortened nickname be more appropriate in school/adulthood? [name_m]Say[/name_m] a resume comes across the table with this name. [name_f]Do[/name_f] you think it could hurt her?
I don’t personally know anyone named Valkyrie. It sounds like [name_f]Valerie[/name_f] with an edge (and I know two Valeries lol). I think of [name_f]Unity[/name_f] Mitford, whose middle name was Valkyrie - her grandfather had been a friend of [name_m]Richard[/name_m] [name_m]Wagner[/name_m] - but she was a Nazi supporter and close friend of Hitler, so it’s not the greatest association.
I read that the Portuguese form Valquíria is used in [name_u]Brazil[/name_u] and sometimes shortened to ‘Quica’ or ‘Kika’. There’s also a related Old Norse girls’ name, [name_f]Valka[/name_f] (also the name of a character in [name_m]How[/name_m] to Train Your Dragon 2 lol), which was originally a nickname for Valgerðr, itself derived from Old Norse valr = “those slain in battle” (the same first element in Valkyrie and Valhalla) + the common name element garðr = “enclosure” (source: Viking Answer Lady). There’s also a related Old Norse name that’s still used in Iceland and has the same first element: Valdís (the second is dís = “goddess”).
‘[name_u]Val[/name_u]’ or ‘[name_f]Valka[/name_f]’ work as nicknames. You could also use ‘[name_u]Kyrie[/name_u]’ or ‘[name_f]Vira[/name_f]’/’[name_f]Vera[/name_f]’ or something cutesy like ‘[name_f]Kiki[/name_f]’, ‘[name_f]Vivi[/name_f]’ or ‘[name_f]Ree[/name_f]’. Personally I wouldn’t use another word name as the middle, and might even have Valkyrie as the middle name and simply call her by her middle name - it would give her the option of having a more traditional name in case she doesn’t like Valkyrie or it doesn’t suit her. I guess that’s a matter of personal taste; Valkyrie [name_u]Ember[/name_u] goes together well but it also sounds more like a video game character than a living person. Edited to add, maybe that’s too extreme a statement - both Valkyrie and Ember are quite name-y as far as word names go!
My immediate association is the [name_f]Marvel[/name_f] character and Norse mythology, but I think it’s still usable. It’s not so different sounding than [name_f]Valerie[/name_f] ot [name_u]Valentine[/name_u], and it’s strong, has good character and a great history/meaning, and would definitely be the only one in a classroom. If that’s the name you like the best, I’d go for it!
Valkyrie [name_u]Ember[/name_u] is a beautiful combo and definitely bada**
I’m sure a little girl would be proud to have that name there’s always the nns [name_u]Val[/name_u] or [name_u]Kyrie[/name_u] if she ever wanted something more mainstream. Since the [name_f]Marvel[/name_f] connection is also part of the reason you love it, I’d go for it!
Ditto for me, what’s the meaning and origin? I’m having trouble working out how to pronounce it.
I don’t personally know anyone named Valkyrie, but I do know that it has validity as a name as the Icelandic equivalent, Valkyrja, is used commonly enough as a name there.
I do worry outside of Scandinavian countries is being almost exclusively associated with [name_f]Marvel[/name_f] comics and movies, but that might not be a dealbreaker for you. There’s an [name_m]Odin[/name_m] in my son’s preschool class and that’s definitely more strongly associated with the fandom than Valkyrie is.