Do you like the name Bonnie?

My sister is pregnant with her third child and got the name [name]Bonnie[/name] from [name]Toy[/name] [name]Story[/name] 3 :slight_smile: [name]Do[/name] you like this name? if no, why?
What middle names would you put with it?
& does it go well with her other daughters; [name]Bethany[/name] and [name]Taylor[/name].

thanks :slight_smile:

Yes, I like [name]Bonnie[/name]! Many people say it’s old-fashioned, which I suppose it is. But I think it’s sweet and fun and has a great meaning! It is less contemporary than [name]Taylor[/name] and [name]Bethany[/name], but I still like it.

I was sincerely hoping never to see a thread like this.

I think this name is in the ragbag, but I’m always open to the idea I’m wrong. It does have a few not-too-bad associations – [name]Bonnie[/name] [name]Hunt[/name] and [name]Bonnie[/name] Raitt.

I believe it used to be an adjective – “blooming, healthy, bouncing” – as in “bonny [name]Prince[/name] [name]Charles[/name]” or “a bonny baby.” I believe, although I could be wrong, it came to be a name when it was the nickname of [name]Scarlett[/name] and [name]Rhett[/name]'s daugher, [name]Bonnie[/name] blue eyes.

I would be surprised to see if surge in popularity, but you never know. There isn’t anything outrageously wrong with using it.

[name]Bonnie[/name] is lovely and sweet. I know a [name]Bonnie[/name] whose full name is [name]Bonita[/name], which I think means pretty in Spanish.

I don’t like it. Reminds me of old ladies, and doesn’t have the same charm as other “old lady” names like [name]Mae[/name] or [name]Pearl[/name]. But that’s just me…

Honestly, I dont like it. I know 2 [name]Bonnie[/name]'s who are both in their 40’s/50’s.
It also kind of reminds me of a bonnett.
[name]Bethany[/name] and [name]Taylor[/name] seem like more modern names than [name]Bonnie[/name], too.

I love [name]Bonnie[/name]! I’d worry that it shares many sounds with [name]Bethany[/name], but it is a sweet name with a wonderful meaning and an almost vintage feel.


I grew up with a [name]Bonnie[/name], she is now 22. I like the name! I think [name]Bethany[/name], [name]Taylor[/name] and [name]Bonnie[/name] sound fantastic together!

I love the name [name]Bonnie[/name]! It would totally be on my list if my name wasn’t [name]Clyde[/name]. It would just be too awkward, but I’m all for other people using it.

I quite like the name [name]Bonnie[/name]. It’s sweet and girly, and I have a cousin [name]Bonnie[/name] (she’s in her 40s and has two kids) and as an adult the name suits her well, even though in my head I can really imagine the name best on a child. I think with [name]Bethany[/name] and [name]Taylor[/name], [name]Bonnie[/name] feels a little quaint and out of place and much less modern though.