Do you like these names better as a combo or as sisters?

I can’t make up my mind and keep going back and forth. Which do you prefer - [name_f]Elena[/name_f] [name_f]Rosalie[/name_f] as a first/middle combo, or [name_f]Elena[/name_f] and [name_f]Rosalie[/name_f] as sister names?

I like them combined better. I think the styles are too different for siblings.

Tough call. I can see why you struggle to make up your mind. I think siblings would be perfect, but if you’d be afraid you wouldn’t get to use [name_f]Rosalie[/name_f] if you were expecting one little girl, then [name_f]Elena[/name_f] [name_f]Rosalie[/name_f] is just beautiful.

I think it works either way. I think they make a good sibling set and they both flow well together in a combo. I had/have this issue with [name_m]Henry[/name_m] and [name_m]Oliver[/name_m]. I love the idea of them as siblings but I also love them together in a combo. I think I found middle names for both of them that I love just as much. Which speaks to you more? Would you be more upset if you end up not using one name (if there ends up not being a second daughter) or missing the opportunity to use the name as a first name because you used it as a middle name?

I think they sound better as a combo, they’re really nice together.

I agree with @lovemysweeties. It just depends if you’d have regret over not using [name_f]Elena[/name_f]/[name_f]Rosalie[/name_f] if you don’t have a second daughter or not. If you would, [name_f]Elena[/name_f] [name_f]Rosalie[/name_f] would be better as a combo for just one girl. Typically, our favorites and tastes change over the years, so it’s possible that later down the line, if you do have another girl, you can find new names for her that you will fall in love with.

I like them better as a combo, [name_f]Elena[/name_f] [name_f]Rosalie[/name_f].

Thanks everyone!