I think that it shares some qualities of other rising names (cool “x,” musical/literary/historical roots, that more flowery -anna ending, and a cool nickname). So I suspect it will rise a little.
That said, I do not foresee it becoming “popular” in the next few years. No version of [name]Roxanne[/name]/[name]Roxanna[/name] is in the Top 1000 in [name]America[/name]. [name]Even[/name] with a little lift in usage, I don’t think it will climb too high.
There were only 5 girls named [name]Roxane[/name] born in 2011, but there were 241 named [name]Roxanne[/name], literally just outside the top 1000. [name]Roxana[/name] was a little lower with 189 births, and [name]Roxanna[/name] with 135. I also suspect it will rise a little, and [name]Roxanne[/name] might even hit the top 1000 soon. But still, not very popular.