I like the name [name_f]Amylia[/name_f] (A-my as in why-lee-ah), but my family says is sounds like a mispronunciation of [name_f]Amelia[/name_f]. [name_f]My[/name_f] sister suggested [name_f]Amalia[/name_f] because that’s an actually name. I really like [name_f]Amylia[/name_f] though for some reason, but is it trash?
Its just tough to know how to pronounce. Also sounds/looks like a part of a cell or something? Im thinking of myelin sheath.
Yeah, I get what you mean. I think it sounds pretty lol, but it has it’s problems.
Let me know if there are any unique names that are kind of similar you think I might like.
I think [name_f]Amylia[/name_f] is nice but I also kind of agree with @hellobanjo. [name_f]Do[/name_f] you like your sister’s suggestion of [name_f]Amalia[/name_f]? You might also like [name_f]Aimilia[/name_f] or Amalía which is the greek version of the name [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] - you should search up its pronounciation, I personally love it.
[name_f]Amalia[/name_f] is very pretty, but it’s also very popular at the moment, but it might become less popular.
What about [name_f]Amalya[/name_f] instead?
Good idea!
[name_f]Amyra[/name_f] (uh MY ra)
I think it sounds beautiful, but it would be mispronounced as [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] a lot. Some names I think are similar
[name_f]Emelia[/name_f] (E-me-lia)
i wouldn’t say “trashy” but it does sound a bit made up. If you like it though, go for it!
Alright, so [name_f]Amalia[/name_f] ranks #570 in the US so if that’s popular to you, maybe …
[name_f]Aelia[/name_f] (eye-lee-uh)
[name_f]Aella[/name_f] (eye-ell-uh)
Ayia (eye-uh)
I don’t think it’s trashy, but it does look like a mispelling of [name_f]Amelia[/name_f]. [name_f]Amaia[/name_f], [name_f]Milla[/name_f], [name_f]Myra[/name_f], [name_f]Adelia[/name_f] and [name_f]Amadea[/name_f] came to mind
I wouldn’t consider any name to be trashy. To be honest [name_f]Amylia[/name_f] looks like you tried so hard to make [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] unique, to the point where it feels too much?
Honestly, I’m not too big a fan, especially of the spelling- I don’t like the ‘y’ in the middle of the name. But I get weird associations with letters so that might just be me personally.
I don’t think any name sounds trashy. I hate that word! It looks like a creative spelling of [name_f]Amelia[/name_f], but the sound is really pretty and I do think it is more than usable.
What about:
I wouldn’t say thrashy, but I don’t like it at all. [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] (or even Amalia) would be much prettier.
This is my feeling on it too. I think it would be tough to wear since it’s an unusual spelling plus the pronunciation wasn’t intuitive to me when I saw your subject line.