Recently found a name I like that has nn [name]Lee[/name]… only problem is last name is pronounced like Croz- [name]Lee[/name]
Does it matter if nn clashes with last name? Anyone had any experience with this?
Recently found a name I like that has nn [name]Lee[/name]… only problem is last name is pronounced like Croz- [name]Lee[/name]
Does it matter if nn clashes with last name? Anyone had any experience with this?
I don’t particularly have experience with the situation, but I would say it probably depends on how often you’d plan on using the nickname. If you would only be using it occasionally and not in combination with the last name (as in “hey [name]Lee[/name], can you grab the remote”), I think it would be fine. If, however, you would be using the nickname almost exclusively, and so would friends/other family members/teachers/etc., then I would say maybe consider a different nickname. What is the full name that you like?
Full name is [name]Leith[/name] … for a boy prob should have put this question in a different forum…
I can’t really predict how often I would use nn… I’d say my partners nn most of the time and he uses my full name most of the time…
But we hardly ever call each other first and last name
@bettydogooder: Hmm, that’s a tough one to come up with other nicknames for. [name]Do[/name] you definitely want a nickname? Because I think [name]Leith[/name] is short enough that it can easily stand on its own. Also, I think [name]Leith[/name] is a great choice!
As far as using the first and last name together, I meant more for things like teachers calling role. If she called [name]Leith[/name] and he told her he liked to be called [name]Lee[/name], then in essence his name would be [name]Lee[/name] Crozlee and it might be a little repetitive.
Thanks. I can’t really predict if he would prefer going as [name]Lee[/name]… I suppose if his full name is used more often it wouldn’t happen. I think I just prefer the nn [name]Lee[/name] for ppl who have trouble with the name or if strangers ask. Much easier then going [name]Leith[/name] like [name]Keith[/name] with an L because I know lots of strangers ask… I think I might keep the name on my short list thanks for the feedback