Does "Oakley" make you think of

I’ve never heard of anyone named this, and it’s not even on the top 1,000 list, so I’m wondering if [name]Oakley[/name] would be too out-there. Does it immediately make you think of the sunglasses company? I’m afraid people will constantly ask us if that’s where we got the name - and it’s not - I just like the sound of it. Sort of solid and masculine, and I like that it’s not popular. Honest thoughts? I wouldn’t want people to immediately associate my son with a company name!

[name]Truly[/name], it makes me think of the sunglass company.

My first thought is [name]Annie[/name] [name]Oakley[/name].

I think about the sunglasses company.

I immediately think of [name]Annie[/name] [name]Oakley[/name] so the name feels feminine to me.

I think of the sunglasses company, but I don’t think it’s too bad of an association. [name]Oakley[/name] is a pretty cool name so I say don’t let that turn you off. [name]One[/name] strange thought of mine though, when I say [name]Oakley[/name] it kind of reminds me of [name]Mowgli[/name] (the jungle book)? maybe I’m just odd haha.

First the sunglasses, then [name]Annie[/name].

I think it’s a nice name.

I do think about the company, but it’s not like [name]Porsche[/name] or Coke since it does feel very name like.

Think of [name]Annie[/name]. Not the sunglasses. Feels feminine because of [name]Ashley[/name]. It’s more masculine than [name]Ashley[/name] though.
I kind of prefer [name]Oakes[/name] to [name]Oakley[/name] on a boy.

It makes me think of [name]Annie[/name] [name]Oakley[/name], who, of course, was a girl…so the name doesn’t really say masculine to me. As previous posters said.
This is pretty vague, but it also reminds me of oak trees…? I can’t get the image of an oak tree out of my head.

Actually, it reminds me of [name]Annie[/name]. Really, though, no matter what a name initially reminds someone of, as long as its not a negative association, I think it will be fine. Once people get to know your son, they won’t be thinking of the sunglasses company or [name]Annie[/name]. :slight_smile:

i think of the sunglasses company…but don’t think it matters. I think [name]Oakley[/name] is a nice name

I wouldn’t have known [name]Oakley[/name] was a sunglasses company if you hadn’t told me. I’m really not a sunglasses connoisseur?

[name]Oakley[/name] definitely works on a boy. The -ley suffix does not make it feminine. In 2011, more boys were named [name]Oakley[/name] than girls. The numbers are pretty close though.

I immediately think of [name]Oakley[/name] the brand. I live in a pretty outdoorsy town, so it’s a brand I hear about quite often.

Sunglasses… and big clunky sunglasses made of heavy wood.

Sunglasses all the way for me. [name]Oakleigh[/name] is also a neighborhood near my in-laws. That’s the second thing that comes to mind, but mostly the sunglasses. BUT if I met a little [name]Oakley[/name], I don’t think I’d assume his/her parents got the name from the sunglasses – that seems like a pretty limited world view, imo. However, the name does sound more feminine to me than masculine. Maybe because I know several girls named [name]Lee[/name]/[name]Leigh[/name] or ____-[name]Leigh[/name].

I like pretty much everyone else, immediately think of [name]Oakley[/name] the sunglasses - you do not have to be a sunglass connoisseur, or live in an outdoorsy town to know that this is well know brand - in fact I think most people think [name]Oakley[/name] when they think sunglasses.

that being said, i dont think that should be a reason to not consider a name you like - but youre right, most people might ask or at last say " like the sunglasses?"

[name]Annie[/name] & sunglasses.

[name]Oak[/name] could be nice in the mn spot…they -ley end sounds girlish to me anyway.

[name]Oakley[/name] is one of my favorites! I grew up in a beach town so I think of sunglasses but it’s not a bad association. People use [name]Roxy[/name] and [name]Reef[/name] and those are big beach/surf brands too

It doesn’t sound feminine. [name]Every[/name] name that ends in -ley does not belong to girls

The suffix -ley means meadow.
[name]Oakley[/name]- oak tree meadow
[name]Ashley[/name]- ash tree meadow
Lindley- linden tree meadow
[name]Everley[/name]- boar meadow
[name]Harley[/name]- hare meadow

It’s a great name. I met a really great guy named [name]Oakley[/name]. He was super attractive too, so that helps. I never even thought of the glasses company. Honestly, that’s not enough of a reason for me to not use it. I say go for it!
I’ve learned that as berries we over think names to the point where it’s too much thinking. [name]Oakley[/name]'s a great name.