Does the boy name Rafferty Arthur sound okay?

Or are there too many ‘r’ sounds?

That was my first thought before I even opened this thread. [name]Rafferty[/name] [name]Arthur[/name] is heavy on the R’s. Suggestions:
[name]Rafferty[/name] [name]Luther[/name]
[name]Rafferty[/name] [name]Albert[/name]
[name]Rafferty[/name] [name]Alistair[/name]

Yeah, that’s what I was worried about. I quite like [name]Rafferty[/name] [name]Albert[/name] in some ways though, thanks :slight_smile:

Agree- 4 Rs is too many.

[name]Rafferty[/name] [name]Alden[/name]
[name]Rafferty[/name] [name]Alban[/name]
[name]Rafferty[/name] [name]Aldo[/name]
Rafferly [name]Alec[/name]
[name]Rafferty[/name] [name]Alton[/name]
[name]Rafferty[/name] [name]Ambrose[/name]
[name]Rafferty[/name] [name]Angus[/name]
[name]Rafferty[/name] [name]Anson[/name]
[name]Rafferty[/name] [name]Atlas[/name]
[name]Rafferty[/name] [name]Austin[/name]
[name]Rafferty[/name] [name]August[/name]
[name]Rafferty[/name] [name]Axel[/name]
[name]Rafferty[/name] Azzo (Italian name derived from Accius, “noble at birth”)

I think it’s too heavy on R’s, although I like both names individually! :slight_smile:

I like it just the way it is!

Choosing from your other names, I love
[name]Rafferty[/name] [name]August[/name]

I think it is fine the way it is, they are both nice names. I also really like [name]Rafferty[/name] [name]August[/name] and [name]Rafferty[/name] [name]Anson[/name]. Although, in [name]Canada[/name] [name]Rafferty[/name] has sort of a negative connotation because it is the surname of a murderer who’s trial has recently finished :(( Because, you know how lots of naming sites say to google your child’s future name to see what comes up because sooner or later your child will probably google their own name? That may come up in the results which is too bad…[name]Rafferty[/name] is really nice name though :slight_smile:

I named one of my RP characters [name]Rafferty[/name] [name]August[/name] : )

I didn’t notice that is had so many R’s until reading the other responses, but just as a personal preference for the rhythm of the name I tend to like it better as [name]Arthur[/name] [name]Rafferty[/name]. =]

Another vote for [name]Rafferty[/name] [name]August[/name]. [name]Rafferty[/name] [name]Arthur[/name] is fine in my humble opinion as long as your last names isn’t R heavy as well. [name]Both[/name] great options.

I think it’s just fine and really like it!

I really like it! We are going with [name]Rafferty[/name] [name]Richard[/name] ([name]Richard[/name] for my FIL.) A lot of R’s too!