Does the importance of popularity differ by gender?

It seems like many people prefer common boys’ names and rare girls’ names.


To me, yes. I could happily name 25 or more girls, but after 5 boys i would really struggle. Because of the fact that I like more girl names, it is easier to go for the one’s that are a bit more unique. If there is a boy name I like, popularity doesn’t matter as much, because there are less options available. I hope this makes a bit of sense :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Hmm no, not for me. I usually find I like names with about the same level of popularity for both boys and girls.
I would actually be more likely to give an unusual name to a son, but that’s only because SO is more adventurous with boy names than girl names.

Right now, the girls’ names I like are more common than the boys’ names I like.

I agree with @miss_montreal, I’m far pickier with boy names since so there’s less selection to pick from. Also, almost all of my favorite boy names have shot up massively in popularity over the last couple of years, much to my dismay, but I have yet to find anything I love as much, so there they stay. [name_f]My[/name_f] girl names have been going up a little bit, but not as drastically

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Statistically you’re right but its not super dramatic. A lot of girls still get popular names too.

I do feel like more rare boys names are riskier. [name_m]Will[/name_m] he really like it or think wow why couldn’t I just have a normal name? :joy: Also I doubt I could get my husband on board with a rare boys name since its not his style. Id have more luck with a rare girls name if at least I could say I would like having it.