[name]Conrad[/name] is a family name on my SO’s side, and [name]Turner[/name] is a family name on mine. I would love to use both, but does [name]Conrad[/name] [name]Turner[/name] work? We could also use [name]Turner[/name] [name]Conrad[/name].
Are you saying you would use one as the first name and one as the middle name, or two middle names?
One as the first, one as middle.
I think they both sound great, but personally I prefer [name]Turner[/name] as the first name.
I like [name]Conrad[/name] [name]Turner[/name] quite a lot, actually. I’d keep it in this order, too.
I like [name]Conrad[/name] [name]Turner[/name]! I’ve been looking for [name]Connor[/name] alternatives. I may steal this one for my list!