Does this name fit me?

Hello all, I am a transmasculine person, and I have been on the hunt for a new name for a very long time, and I’ve found one I like a lot but I’m not sure that it actually fits me as a person. This name is [name_m]Stanislav[/name_m], and I would go by [name_m]Stan[/name_m] which is what I am especially not sure fits me. Things I like about it are: I’ve been trying it out with friends and I really like being called [name_m]Stan[/name_m], and I have another friend who calls me ‘[name_f]Ani[/name_f]’ too. I am also very connected to my Slavic ancestry and [name_m]Stanislav[/name_m] being Slavic is a big plus for me. One downside to it though is that most Americans would probably pronounce it [name_m]Stan[/name_m]-ih-slav, instead of St-NI-slav, the proper pronunciation. But this doesn’t bother me as much because I would be going by [name_m]Stan[/name_m] (pronounced like in [name_u]Stanley[/name_u]) anyway.

A bit about me: I am 19 years old and I am currently in school to become a mortician, I specifically want to work in cremation. I am a very spiritual person and my religion is very important to me, and my reason for my choice of career in the funeral industry is intrinsically tied to my religion. I think of myself as a very caring and loving person, and I am very devoted and loyal to my loved ones. My plan for life is to work as a mortician for as many years as I need to, all while saving up and living frugally so I can retire early and move to [name_f]Alaska[/name_f] with my twin. I am an 2w3, ENFP, and Sagittarius sun, [name_m]Leo[/name_m] moon, and [name_f]Aquarius[/name_f] rising if that helps any of you.

Thank you for your input!

I think [name_m]Stan[/name_m] is a pretty versatile name! Sounds like a “simple” person, in the sense that they’re nice, they don’t like too much drama and are overall a calming, friendly presence. I think the ties to your background are also cool if you want that connection!
Would people mispronouncing/misspelling [name_m]Stanislav[/name_m] bother you? Because yes, you’ll go by [name_m]Stan[/name_m] with friends and family, but when it comes to more official documents and business you’ll have to mention your full name here and there. If yes, maybe rethink it. If not, great!
I’d also recommend doing the “Starbucks test”, once quarantine is over at least. Where you go to Starbucks and introduce yourself as [name_m]Stan[/name_m] when they ask for your name, to see how it feels with strangers, and not just friends.
Good luck with your name change!
Oh, and by the way I think mortuary sciences are such a cool major, good luck with that as well.

I think [name_m]Stanislav[/name_m] is a great name and it seems like it fits you!

I think [name_m]Stan[/name_m] is friendly and accessible and [name_m]Stanislav[/name_m] gives you the connection to your roots that you love. Perfect! In addition, I like that [name_m]Stan[/name_m] is very traditionally masculine.

You could consider Stanis as a nn as well! Has a bit of a unique edge like it sounds you do too.

Stans are the best. My SO is a [name_m]Stan[/name_m]. Its a great name. He is the most wonderful person in the world.

Nothing but good vibes for me :slight_smile:

I like it! It sounds cool, has interesting roots, and I think it fits well with what you’ve described of your life and personality. I like [name_m]Stan[/name_m] too, it’s a fresh look at an old man nickname.

Thank you all! I also cross-posted this to the namenerds subreddit and received positive feedback from the people there and now I feel really good about possibly changing my name to it. Doing the Starbucks test is a really good idea and I definitely will try to once things calm down. The mispronunciation doesn’t particularly bother me especially because a person from Czechia commented on my reddit post and said that in their country [name_m]Stanislav[/name_m] probably would be pronounced the more American way, and Czechia is where my Slavic ancestry is from.

Also thank you emmievis about what you said about my major! I am very excited and feel really good about it.