Does this sound bad?

I love the name [name]Autumn[/name] but does it sound bad with [name]Brown[/name]? [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Brown[/name]. I don’t want her to send like a crayola crayon. Thanks!

With a last name of [name]Brown[/name], I’d probably avoid [name]Autumn[/name]. I’d pass on [name]Summer[/name], [name]Jasper[/name], etc. too.

It’s not the worst and it’s doable but I’d probably avoid it unless it’s your absolute favorite name :slight_smile:

I think it is doable. [name]Brown[/name] is a hard name surname to work with.

It might be doable, but I wouldn’t recommend it unless you absolutely love the name.

Agree with the others

It’s doable but I wouldn’t recommend it. Maybe as a middle name?

[name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Brown[/name] - [name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Brown[/name]
[name]Milena[/name] [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Brown[/name] - [name]Milena[/name] [name]Brown[/name]
[name]Zara[/name] [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Brown[/name] - [name]Zara[/name] [name]Brown[/name]
[name]Serena[/name] [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Brown[/name] - [name]Serena[/name] [name]Brown[/name]

[name]Hope[/name] this helped x

To me by itself it sounds like a crayon. [name]How[/name] about [name]Aubrey[/name] instead? Or Aubrielle?

It sounds like a paint color.

A nice name but sorry to say I would avoid or change last name. X

Thanks everyone. [name]Brown[/name] is a surprisingly difficult name to work with. Tori101 thanks for the suggestions. I love [name]Charlotte[/name] but my husband does not. We both liked [name]Autumn[/name] but just thought it wouldn’t work with [name]Brown[/name].

I know an [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Brown[/name], I think it sounds perfectly fine. [name]Autumn[/name] is beautiful!

I think you could still use [name]Autumn[/name]. Especially if it’s name you both agree on.

I think if I had a word-LN I would avoid word-FN’s. Maybe use it as a mn as [name]Tori[/name] suggested.
In the case of the name [name]Brown[/name] I’d also consider what happens to the name when it is read out loud LN first as on my school rosters.
[name]Brown[/name] [name]Autumn[/name] vs [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Brown[/name]. The first sounds like a muddy description of the season and might not be the image you want associated with your daughter. I know [name]Brown[/name] is particularly hard to mix things with. Good [name]Luck[/name].

I love the name [name]Autumn[/name], but like people have said, it might not be the best choice for your daughter. I mean, if it’s your absolute favorite, then go with your gut—if not, though, then keep looking. You never know what’s going to jump out at you! :slight_smile: I’d suggest Nameberry’s many lists of girls’ names…

With [name]Brown[/name] it doesn’t work, sorry. [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Brown[/name] does sound like a crayon colour.

Yes, I’d avoid.

[name]Adele[/name] [name]Brown[/name]?
[name]Auden[/name] [name]Brown[/name]?

I’d avoid it as a FN but use it in the middle :slight_smile:

I actually think it sounds kinda cute. I like it.

If you love it use it. After all [name]Autumn[/name] is kind of brown. It’s not like it’s [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Blue[/name].
Another thought- perhaps you could do a double barrel name to defuse the link? [name]Just[/name] not another descripive ([name]Grace[/name], [name]Rose[/name] etc)
[name]Autumn[/name]-[name]Rae[/name] [name]Brown[/name]
[name]Autumn[/name]-[name]Mae[/name] [name]Brown[/name]

A name which has a similar sound to my ear is [name]Tatum[/name].
[name]Tatum[/name] [name]Brown[/name].


I like it a lot. [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Brown[/name] is a nice solid classic type name. I do not see the connection to a crayon at all. My [name]Autumn[/name] was an [name]Autumn[/name] Brower now an [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Cash[/name].