Done with nameberry

After reading a privacy post on here, I decided to google a name I was considering for my daughter only to find that people from this site decided to bash them and my sons names on other public forums. I am extremely disappointed now in the nameberry community. I was called “crazy” and a “troll” and a “douche”. Makes me not want to post here anymore which is sad because this has been the only naming forum that I enjoy. I know this is a public forum and people will do whatever they want with what you say but I found it to be incredibly immature, cowardly, disrespectful and tacky.
Not only were they discussing my children’s names but others that they’ve seen on here as well. Think I’ll just have to say thank you to those who have given great advice to me on here but it wasn’t the open-minded intelligent community that I thought it was.

I’m so sorry you had that experience. :frowning: That had to be a blow. Respectful criticism of a name is one thing–it’s what we’re all looking for when we post name ideas on these forums–but I know how crushed I would be if my own ideas were bashed rudely (which has not happened to me on Nameberry). Are you sure those posts could not have been made by people who know you in real life rather than a Nameberry user? Regardless of who it was, I’m sorry that happened to you, and I regret that it turned you against the forums, as most people on here have maintained an atmosphere of respect and politeness.

Also, for what it’s worth, I love the creativity of your sons’ names. Try to forget the nasty things that you read about them, and rest assured that some of us think they are very cool choices, not that our opinion should matter in the end as long as you love them. Try not to pay much mind to the unsolicited opinions of rude strangers. Keep being creative.

Yea, they both mentioned nameberry. And I think you’re right. I should let them spoil it for me. Because I do love it here. They can suck it! Lol

Thanks again alzora.