Doomed to be Nicknamed?

So I have made no secret of my love for the name [name]Corisande[/name] (Prefer [name]Cor[/name]-iss-ahnd pronunciation, not [name]Cor[/name]-ih-san-dee), but the thing that holds me back is that she might be called [name]Cori[/name], and I despise the nn (or full name!) of [name]Cory[/name]/[name]Cori[/name]/[name]Corrie[/name], etc etc etc, especially for a girl! I love [name]Corisande[/name] because it’s soft, flowly, and most of all feminine! (Where as [name]Cori[/name] is not!) As for [name]Sandy[/name], I just don’t care for the nn. The nn I would prefer, if one would be used, would be Coris ([name]Said[/name] like Chorus).

Where do you weigh in? I know a lot of berries face this problem with name loves! (Loving the name, but not the possible nicknames!) Obviously nn’s are intuitive mostly, so ‘[name]Cori[/name]’ could pop up one day and be completely out of my control, but do you think [name]Corisande[/name] would be doomed to a nickname I hate or even a nickname in general? (It is a longer name!)

(The same question could be applied to any name if you don’t want to think in terms of [name]Corisande[/name], must [name]William[/name] be [name]Will[/name]/[name]Bill[/name]/[name]Liam[/name] or [name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Ben[/name]/[name]Benji[/name]?)

I think it’s inevitable that SOMEBODY will call her that, as she gets older and heads out to school and such. Whether or not they KEEP calling her that will be up to her.

Take my uncle for example. His name is [name]Russell[/name] and he has red hair, but he’s never been called [name]Rusty[/name] by anyone - not more than once anyway! This is because my grandma strictly forbade it, and - most importantly - he internalized her dislike for the name and forbade it himself once he was old enough to be in the world without her.

So it kind of depends on your daughter. If she dislikes [name]Cori[/name] too, or picks up on your dislike, she can avoid [name]Cori[/name] just by insisting people don’t call her that. (Although some nickname, for a name like [name]Corisande[/name], is probably inevitable. [name]Even[/name] the simple [name]Russell[/name] often gets shortened to [name]Russ[/name].)

If you love the name enough to accept that you can’t control it forever, then use it. But whether or not she is ever [name]Cori[/name] is, ultimately, up to her.

It’s a very pretty name, btw!

Coris doesn’t come naturally to me, which is why I would probably revert to [name]Cora[/name] (or [name]Cori[/name]) if you tried to enforce Coris. [name]Coco[/name] or [name]Risa[/name] (Rissy, Risso) would also be easier.
I also think [name]Cori[/name] isn’t the worst nickname for [name]Corisande[/name], [name]Candy[/name] would be a whole lot worse.

For [name]William[/name], I would use [name]Pim[/name] or [name]Wim[/name]. [name]Benjamin[/name] would be [name]Jem[/name] or I would use and O middle to get [name]Bo[/name]. [name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Orion[/name] for example.

I named my son [name]Christian[/name] hoping he would never be called [name]Chris[/name] because I hated it. If anyone tried to call him [name]Chris[/name] I corrected them. For the first two years of his life I even called him [name]Trout[/name]. When he started being away from me more often at age three people started calling him [name]Chris[/name] and he liked it so it stuck. Now we all call him [name]Chris[/name] and I have even grown to like it a little bit and it fits him.

You may just have to weigh how much you love the name versus how much you dislike the nickname. Your future daughter may decide she likes being called [name]Cori[/name]. Until she is old enough to decide on her own just correct people if the call her something you don’t like, most people will go along.

People will call her [name]Cori[/name]. But as someone said above, that doesn’t have to be an ongoing thing if your daughter doesn’t like it. You can’t fully plan ahead when it comes to nicknames. But I’m a [name]Victoria[/name] and I despise [name]Vicki[/name] and [name]Tori[/name]. [name]Do[/name] people occasionally assume they can call me [name]Vicki[/name] or [name]Tori[/name]? Absolutely. But I politely correct them, and that’s that. [name]Victoria[/name] is sooo susceptible to nicknaming, and it hasn’t happened with me, so I think if you/your daughter don’t want the nickname to be a recurring thing, it absolutely won’t be.

The way I say the name, Coris makes perfect sense haha more than [name]Cori[/name], I say it to sound more like Chorus-sanhd, rather than [name]Corri[/name]-sand, I am terrible at making pronunciations make sense via typing!

Also, the nn [name]Candy[/name] didn’t even occur to me. Yuck. See, this is why I make threads!!

The main reason I strongly dislike [name]Cori[/name] is that I have a cousin (one of my few cousins I see often-ish) named [name]Corrie[/name], and truly, she is the LAST person I would want to share a name/nn with my child. I have a feeling she would instigate calling [name]Corisande[/name] “[name]Cori[/name]” too, especially if she realized it bothered me!

If someone named [name]Corisande[/name] said "Call me Coris’ I wouldn’t even blink. I think it makes sense.

I don’t think [name]Cora[/name] is a bad option either, but I agree with you on [name]Cori[/name]. Blech.

It may happen, it may not. Not everyone garners a nickname. All you can really do is correct when she is younger, and then when she’s older, she can decide if she wants a nickname or wants to go by the full name.

And, just for kicks, [name]Candy[/name] isn’t the end of the world. That’s what I’ve been called for a nickname. ;]

The name is very pretty. I agree with you about the nn [name]Cori[/name]…not one of my favorites. Perhaps you could preempt that possibility by establishing you choice for a nn right away. I like [name]Rissa[/name], Sahnda , and [name]Cor[/name] is cute.

I’ve been playing around with it some more. You might like Corsi, Cosi (long o), Cossi (short o), or Sahsi.

[name]Corisande[/name] needs a nickname. It’s not that it’s long, it’s that it’s very formal- it seems odd, almost uncomfortable, to use the full [name]Corisande[/name] when joking around or in some informal situation. You’ll probably have some degree of control over the nickname- [name]Cora[/name] and Coris are both nice, and I think you could avoid [name]Cori[/name] most of the time if you offer alternative nicknames.

This name was on my list for awhile. I assumed we’d call her [name]Cora[/name].

Usually nicknames for young children involve what I call ‘diminutive markers.’ in every language there are sounds which signal “small and cute.” think [name]Annika[/name], -ita/-Ito in Spanish, etc. In English we often use the -y sound. [name]Corry[/name], as a sound, is the most likely nickname for a long name starting with [name]Cor[/name], much more so than anything ending with S.

That does not mean she is doomed to a life of [name]Cori[/name]-hood, but it is a natural nn when she is very small.

After pondering it for a night, I am actually really liking [name]Cora[/name] as a nn, I’m not sure why I didn’t think of it before.

@daisy451 - I do agree the [name]Corisande[/name] needs a nn based purely on the formality of the name not just the length now that you point it out!

I agree with missusaytch.

My daughter is [name]Cordelia[/name] and if anyone addresses her as “[name]Cora[/name]”, even at three years old she will say “No, I’m sorry, my name is [name]Cor[/name] [name]DEAL[/name] YUH” all overaccentuated like three year olds do. It’s really how your daughter takes to her name. But if she only hears you using her full name, she’ll like come to prefer it.

I don’t think she’d be doomed to [name]Cori[/name]. I know a little boy named [name]Alexander[/name]…Not [name]Alex[/name], not [name]Alec[/name], not [name]Xander[/name]! His name is [name]Alexander[/name], because that’s what his parents want. If someone calls him [name]Alex[/name], they just correct them.

My brother is [name]Marcus[/name], and insists that he not be called [name]Marc[/name] by anyone. He’ll be 15 in [name]April[/name] (yikes! He’s growing up!) and I’ve never, ever called him [name]Marc[/name]. Note, that of 5 of us siblings, he’s the only one who isn’t called by a nickname.

And, I like Coris, and [name]Cora[/name] too! And, I think I told you before, my mom’s great aunt [name]Corisande[/name] always went by “Coss.”

I agree with many of those who have already posted - you will have control over ensuring her full name is used for a couple of years. But once she’s in school it will really be up to her whether she likes any nicknames she’s given & whether she chooses to correct people.
I would naturally go to the nickname “[name]Cora[/name]” before I’d say “[name]Cori[/name]”. And to me [name]Cora[/name] is really nice :slight_smile: