Dorian Edgar or Dorian Ernest?

See the results of this poll: Edgar or Ernest?

Respondents: 19 (This poll is closed)

  • Dorian Edgar : 17 (89%)
  • Dorian Ernest: 2 (11%)

I like [name_m]Edgar[/name_m] and [name_m]Ernest[/name_m] equally, but prefer the sound of [name_u]Dorian[/name_u] [name_m]Edgar[/name_m].

[name_u]Dorian[/name_u] [name_m]Edgar[/name_m] flows better when I say it, but both names are nice.

I prefer [name_m]Ernest[/name_m] but [name_u]Dorian[/name_u] [name_m]Edgar[/name_m] flows better.

I think [name_u]Dorian[/name_u] E(a)rnest is too [name_m]Oscar[/name_m] Wilde heavy, so I vote [name_u]Dorian[/name_u] [name_m]Edgar[/name_m]

Oh yes, for sure. I voted for [name_m]Edgar[/name_m], but I’d do so doubly now that this has been pointed out. I didn’t catch it at first, but now it’s all I see. Unless you’re a really big fan. :slight_smile: