Dorothea? Honoring sister?

[name_u]Ever[/name_u] since we got pregnant, it was known that our daughter was going to be named [name_f]Dorothy[/name_f]. Both of his grandmas were named [name_f]Dorothy[/name_f], and my maternal grandmother also. However, I am 8 months pregnant and my sister recently died of leukemia. I want to honor her in my daughter’s name. I don’t wish to say her name on here, but it ended in -ea, when the normal spelling is usually -ey. I thought of doing [name_f]Dorothea[/name_f], but people would pronounce it [name_f]Dorothy[/name_f]-uh, which I don’t particularly like.
Any ideas?

I do think most people would pronounce [name_f]Dorothea[/name_f] differently from [name_f]Dorothy[/name_f]. You could consider honoring your sister in the mn spot.

I agree with this.

Could you honor her with a middle name? [name_f]Dorothea[/name_f] would not get the pronunciation you want.

Have you considered [name_f]Theadora[/name_f]?

I cant see [name_f]Dorothea[/name_f] not pronounced as door-oh-the-ah, but maybe its because im Greek
I do agree that putting your sisters name in the middle spot would be best

I think honouring her in the middle spot is your best option.

I’d say DOH-ruh-THEE-ah, like [name_f]Dorothy[/name_f]-a.

[name_f]Dorothy[/name_f] ≠ [name_f]Dorothea[/name_f]. Put your sister’s name in as the middle name.

Can you use another name that begins w/Dor- & ends w/-ea to honor the grandmothers & your sister all together? This may be hard to do…the closest I came was [name_f]Doria[/name_f], which could be spelled [name_f]Dorea[/name_f], or [name_f]Drea[/name_f]. Or moving to a name that starts w/just D-, [name_f]Danea[/name_f]? Good luck, & I’m very sorry about your sister’s passing… :frowning:

I’m sorry to hear about your sister’s passing. My mother suffered with luekemia when I was in my teen years and I know how hard it is. Much love to your family :heart:

As for the name, I don’t think many people would pronounce [name_f]Dorothea[/name_f] the same way as [name_f]Dorothy[/name_f]. I’d never even thought about it before, although it is an interesting take on the name.

I agree with everyone else that your sister’s name should be middle if you were to include it, some “-y” names work with the “-ea” spelling but I don’t think [name_f]Dorothy[/name_f] is one of them. Good luck!

I’m very sorry to hear about your sister. Condolences to you and your family.

I agree that [name_f]Dorothea[/name_f] would be pronounced Dor-oh-THEE-ah, but I actually think that’s a beautiful name (I prefer it to [name_f]Dorothy[/name_f]). And it’s a great way to honor your sister. You still hear the [name_f]Dorothy[/name_f] in its entirety, just with an extra -ah at the end. [name_m]Don[/name_m]'t think it’s that different a name from [name_f]Dorothy[/name_f] tbh.

But agree putting sister’s name in middle spot would be a good compromise.

Best of luck!