Double -a endings

Your opinion on double -a endings in name combos that don’t rime?

Anastasia [name_f]Lotus[/name_f] Lyra
Anastasia [name_f]Eliz[/name_f]a [name_f]Esther[/name_f]

It bothers me because it’s repetitive. I would use a middle that doesn’t end in a.

It depends on emphasis on the a and if there’s enough contrast or balance not to clash together. Your two examples have just the right balance to flow together nicely. [name_f]Anastasia[/name_f] has four a’s breaking it up and your two middles break up into two syllables each so you’ve got a nice 4 and 4 rhythm going so it balances out.

It doesn’t bother me. I guess something that rhymed like [name_f]Lara[/name_f] [name_f]Cara[/name_f] would be a bit weird, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with something like [name_f]Lara[/name_f] [name_f]Cordelia[/name_f]. But then, maybe I’m biased because almost every girl name I like ends in -a.