I’m not currently pregnant, but I love tossing naming ideas around with my husband. I’m absolutley in love with [name]Briella[/name], but our last name starts with a B. It sounds close to [name]Birch[/name]. Is that just too much B? Our first daughter’s middle name will be [name]Adeline[/name] (after my Grandmother) so the b’s will be broken up. Still too much?
Thanks in advance!
Double B’s sound very perky, and I think it’s just an individual opinion thing. I think it depends on the first and last name, and how they sound together. That said, if you’re using [name]Adeline[/name], it really doesn’t flow with [name]Briella[/name] (the a sounds make the name stop in its tracks, not allowing it to flow).
my last name starts with a B and I [name]LOVE[/name] the double B! I’d love to use it, but there are only a small handful of B names that I love enough to use. I say go for it, it sounds so cute!
you actually got me thinking of [name]Betsy[/name] as a nickname for [name]Elizabeth[/name]… [name]Betsy[/name] [name]Becker[/name], cute, right?
That is cute! I [name]DO[/name] like the double B!
I think the name u have picked out is very cute…
I dont see a problem with the flow.
I say its a go!
I think the name u have picked out is very cute…
I dont see a problem with the flow.
I say its a go!
[name]Briella[/name] [name]Adeline[/name] B— Sounds pretty good to me. It is a bit tough to go from [name]Briella[/name] to [name]Adeline[/name] but not enough to make it a deal breaker for me. And I’d jump at the chance to have a BB girl. ([name]Bibi[/name]/[name]Bebe[/name]) as long as no one calls her [name]Baby[/name]!