See the results of this poll: My favorite VS his
Respondents: 53 (This poll is closed)
- Kyle Desmond : 44 (83%)
- Kyle Che (pronounced Ch-aye, as in Che Guevara.): 9 (17%)
Respondents: 53 (This poll is closed)
Naming a child after [name]Che[/name] is a lot to live up to or explain growing up and with your last name could lead to some teasing. However, since it’s a mn, if he really doesn’t like it he can always just use his middle initial.
With last name [name]Guevara[/name], you’re considering [name]Che[/name]? Please don’t. That is a terrible idea. It’s like naming a child [name]Joseph[/name] if your last name was Stalin. In the end, whatever [name]Guevara[/name]'s intentions, he was a mass murderer and advocate of guerrilla warfare who fully supported [name]Fidel[/name] Castro. Not someone I’d like my child to be associated with.
My boyfriend’s family is from Mexico, he loves to read up on [name]Che[/name] [name]Guevara[/name]. I can’t understand how or why he wants to name our son after him. I’m just trying to show him other’s opinions on his odd name choice. I’m stuck on [name]Kyle[/name] [name]Desmond[/name]. [name]Desmond[/name] from a beatles’ song.
Absolutely [name]Kyle[/name] [name]Desmond[/name].
Definitely [name]Kyle[/name] [name]Desmond[/name]! Aside from the [name]Che[/name] [name]Guevara[/name] association (which is way too much, imo), I don’t think [name]Kyle[/name] [name]Che[/name] sounds very good as opposed to [name]Kyle[/name] [name]Desmond[/name]. I think [name]Kyle[/name] [name]Desmond[/name] is a great name, all around, too.
Good luck!
What about [name]Kyle[/name] [name]Ethan[/name]? Or Key [name]Esmond[/name] instead of [name]Desmond[/name].
I don’t have a problem with [name]Che[/name] [name]Guevara[/name] as a historical actor, but still think that it’s too much to have [name]Che[/name] and [name]Guevara[/name] in a little kid’s name. It makes [name]Kyle[/name] feel like it’s just slapped on the front of someone else’s “real” name. And [name]Kyle[/name] [name]Desmond[/name] is lovely. (ALso better than [name]Kyle[/name] [name]Esmond[/name] for all the reasons listed on the other post – you want to avoid having them run together like Kylesmond).
Our top choice is [name]Kyle[/name] [name]Desmond[/name], but we are creating an ABC list of possible middle names for [name]Kyle[/name]. We noticed our Es are low on names and would love to hear some E middle names that would sound decent with [name]Kyle[/name]. It’s always nice to know we picked the best.
So far these are the only ones we like on our E list:
[name]Kyle[/name] [name]Ethan[/name]
[name]Kyle[/name] [name]Esmond[/name]
[name]Kyle[/name] [name]Evans[/name]
[name]Kyle[/name] [name]Edmund[/name] (my favourite [name]Ed[/name]-name)
[name]Kyle[/name] [name]Euan[/name] or [name]Ewan[/name]
[name]Kyle[/name] [name]Emmett[/name]
[name]Kyle[/name] [name]Desmond[/name] is soooo great! plus it’s flow totally beats out [name]Kyle[/name] [name]Che[/name]. But is there some meaning behind [name]Che[/name]? If so, it might be worth reconsidering.