Dreaming of a K-Berry

SO and I have been discussing baby#2 lately…we have very different naming taste. He likes the plain popular eighties babies names(nicole, jessica, etc.) where as i like the obscure but recognizable. He’s ok with following my family naming tradition where #1 starts with a D and #2 starts with a K. so help me come up with some names for K-baby;)



Last name: long, 2 syllables(but sometimes sounds like 3 lol), very proper classic english- along the lines of Hemsworth…

Heritage: Mostly English, a bit of irish, scottish, cree…

My likes: Irish, gaelic, biblical, last names as first names, saint names, obvious nicknames so i dont have to suffer through more people being “creative” like with #1(“Decals”, REALLY?!).

His likes: simple, well known(Sara, Alexander, Jean)

Big Brother: [name]Declan/name [name]Thomas[/name](after his Grampa who passed away the month he was concieved), 2.5

WildCard: Girl can have boy name for middle(trend in my paternal grandmothers family and thought it was neat)

Family names for middle names:


K-sounds already in the family: Kelly(male and female), Kassandra Kaitlyn, Kyra Constance, Kristy, Corbyn, Corey, Carter, Kayla, Kiya, Kiarra, Kaelie, Cassie…I think thats it lol…We have a K-sound fetish in the familly I guess

Ok with going the Kardashian Route and K-ifying some classic C names…and go;)

Haha i love the way you worded your post!

i love thinking up names but most of the other posters on here are [name]WAY[/name] better! sigh!


[name]Kelsey[/name]/ [name]Kelsie[/name]

I’m terrible at combos so wont suggest middle names! i cant even think of any middle names right now! blah
I’m not a huge fan of k-ifying c names but i think it works better when you k-ify a girls name than a boys name! just be careful, it can look trashy eg [name]Crystal[/name] to [name]Krystal[/name]. This could just be me though as erm i know a prostitute by that name… oh crups… i went by that name in my wild homeless late teens days… blushes so now that name is forever branded that way in my mind…

anyway!!! most my names werent very quirky i dont think… but they could be a start?

lol I agree K-ifying some C-names looks weird and trashy but sometimes it works. I try to be very open minded. SO works at a coal mine so he’s thrown out [name]Kole[/name], I countered with Kollier. [name]Love[/name] [name]Kadence[/name]! its been at the top of my lists forever but I worry that its too popular. Its a good thing I’m not pregnant yet as I think this will take a while lol!!

[name]Kaia[/name] [name]Jeanette[/name]
[name]Kalista[/name] [name]Evelyn[/name]
[name]Kelilah[/name] [name]Rebecca[/name] (biblical?)
[name]Keturah[/name] [name]Beverly[/name] (biblical)
[name]Keziah[/name] (biblical)

Bring [name]Kelly[/name] back to the boys? [name]Kelly[/name] [name]David[/name]?
[name]Kennedy[/name] [name]Herbert[/name] (last name as first name)
[name]Kemuel[/name] [name]Adam[/name] (obscurely biblical?)

[name]Don[/name]'t know if you SO will go for some of these. They don’t all meet all the criteria but I has fun with this one!

haha I actually have a brother named [name]Kelly[/name] and a female cousin named [name]Kelly[/name]…
I was just looking at [name]Keziah[/name] but I doubt SO will go for it. [name]Silly[/name] boring men;)

[name]Kandace[/name] - means queen mother, found in the Bible in the book of Acts with the C spelling
[name]Karmela[/name] - from the name of Mount [name]Carmel[/name] in the Bible, meaning garden in Hebrew
[name]Karolina[/name]/[name]Karoline[/name] - more traditional, no real meaning since it comes from the name [name]Charles[/name] meaning warrior
[name]Kassandra[/name] - meaning shining upon man
[name]Katrina[/name] - form of [name]Katherine[/name]
Kestrel - from the name of the bird
[name]Kimber[/name] - from [name]Kimberly[/name]
[name]Kirstie[/name] - form of [name]Christian[/name]
[name]Klara[/name] - clear and bright
[name]Koralie[/name] - or Koralia name of an obscure saint, meaning coral
[name]Kyra[/name] - possibly feminine form of [name]Cyrus[/name] (Biblical) meaning far sighted/young, or of [name]Ciara[/name] an Irish saint

[name]Kimber[/name] and [name]Koralie[/name] are right up my alley:) [name]Kandace[/name] is probably something SO would go for. [name]Klara[/name] is one I hadnt thought about…Yay you guys are awesome:)

I googled Irish [name]Baby[/name] Names since your son is [name]Declan[/name] and figured they would go good together and here is what I found.
[name]Keeva[/name] (phonetic spelling of [name]Caoimhe[/name], it’s Irish)




You hit them on the head;) [name]Keeva[/name] is on my list, I actually [name]LOVE[/name] the irish spelling but worry about the consequences in small town canada. There are times I wish I had used the traditional spelling of [name]Declan[/name] too(Deaghlan).

My first thought for a boy was Kallum & [name]Declan[/name].
Boys possibilities:
[name]Kendrick[/name] (my fav!)
[name]Knox[/name] (silent k)

My favorites: [name]Knox[/name] & [name]Declan[/name] or [name]Kendrick[/name] & [name]Declan[/name]!

girls possibilities:

my favorites: [name]Kennedy[/name] & [name]Declan[/name] and [name]Kayleigh[/name] & [name]Declan[/name].
SOrry for any repeats. Let me know what you like! good luck :slight_smile:

My very favorite K name is [name]Kiara[/name]! It says on nameberry that it is Italian, but it could also be Irish, like [name]Ciara[/name]. I think [name]Declan[/name] and [name]Kiara[/name] make a gorgeous sib-set. Most of the K names have been already listed, but I second [name]Kiara[/name] and Kalum. Here are just a few more…


[name]Kit[/name] (Boy or girl)


Good luck! :slight_smile:

I really like [name]Kirsten[/name], [name]Kimberly[/name] and [name]Katherine[/name].

[name]Kennedy[/name]-so popular in my area right now! I know 3 little girls just in the last year with it.
[name]Kale[/name]- [name]Love[/name] it!
[name]Kaleb[/name]-[name]LOVE[/name] but its becoming so popular
[name]Kasey[/name]-haha, bad childhood associations
[name]Keefer[/name]-cant get past the Teen Mom reference
[name]Keegan[/name]-has potential:)
Keeland-on my list
[name]Keith[/name]-NMS(but probably SO’s)
[name]Kendrick[/name] (my fav!)-hadnt though about it but digging it;)
Kipling-I dont know if I’m cool enough lol
[name]Knox[/name] (silent k)-too [name]Jolie[/name]-pitt lol
[name]Kyler[/name]-[name]Love[/name] but so trendy…

[name]Kadence[/name]-At the very top of my list!
[name]Katherine[/name]-Highschool friend and not one id want to honor lol
[name]Kimberly[/name]-SO’s style
[name]Kinley[/name]-[name]Love[/name] and want to use but its soooooo trendy right now:(
[name]Kelly[/name]-Brother and Female Cousin(niether of whom I get a long with) Plus I cant get past a study I heard once that had [name]Kelly[/name] as being the top name of a girl who would sleep with you on a first date lol…
[name]Kayla[/name]-Dogs name
[name]Kallie[/name]-bad associations but love [name]Kalla[/name]
[name]Kaylie[/name]/[name]Kayleigh[/name]- [name]SIL[/name] is named Kaelie


[name]Kiana[/name]-Cant get past the 16 & pregnant association
[name]Kora[/name]-Cute:) was thinking [name]Koralie[/name] as well.
[name]Katia[/name]-Doesnt go with last name lol…or maybe it does…
[name]Keturah[/name]-its been rolling around but I dont know if we could pull it off lol
[name]Kia[/name]-cute but too close to the cats names;)

[name]Kit[/name]-too short with our last name

[name]Kieran[/name]-highschool friend
Keller/[name]Kellan[/name]-both on my list;)
[name]Konner[/name]-taken by one of my sons friends:(

Thanks for giving me some new ideas guys!!! Keep em coming:D

Kalayna/[name]Kalena[/name] (Kalayna might have been invented by author Kalayna [name]Price[/name]'s parents but I has to admit I love it regardless).
[name]Katniss[/name] (not a totally serious suggestion, I just had to though…;))

[name]Kai[/name] (though it might be too short for your last name)
[name]Kato[/name] (see [name]Katniss[/name])

Girls -

Boys -

Kalayna/[name]Kalena[/name] (Kalayna might have been invented by author Kalayna [name]Price[/name]'s parents but I has to admit I love it regardless). Awe its super pretty- I doubt SO would go for it though:/
[name]Kara[/name] cute:)
[name]Karen[/name] NMS(but proabably SO’s lol)
[name]Karla[/name] bad association.
[name]Kassandra[/name] nieces name(we have a lot of K- sounds in our family lol
[name]Kassidy[/name] possibly…
[name]Katniss[/name] (not a totally serious suggestion, I just had to though…;)) LOL
[name]Korbin[/name] nephew
[name]Kai[/name] (though it might be too short for your last name) too short but cute
[name]Karsten[/name] on my list:)
[name]Kegan[/name] cute:)
[name]Kato[/name] (see [name]Katniss[/name]) almost;)

I really like [name]Kenna[/name], would be a nice alternative to [name]Kennedy[/name].
I wish I knew how to pronounce [name]Kalliope[/name]. Its too cool for me I think lol.

[name]Kaleb[/name] is one of my favs but its so popular right now:(
[name]Killian[/name] has potential but I bet SO/family would have some snarky remarks about it. Ahh the joys of family.

[name]Keeva[/name] definitely gets my vote, it sounds great with [name]Declan[/name] and I like the feminine a ending with a masculine middle name.

I know brothers called [name]Declan[/name] and [name]Kyle[/name] and always thought they sound great together. [name]Kyle[/name] is Scottish rather than Irish but they have the same gaelic style.

Good luck!

[name]Keeva[/name]/[name]Keela[/name] are really appealing to me but SO I think will veto them lol…Naming [name]Declan[/name] was so easy, I was the only one making the decision haha!