Due anyday.. Votes Please!

See the results of this poll: Votes, please

Respondents: 35 (This poll is closed)

  • Eli Joseph Thompson: 15 (43%)
  • Donovan Joseph Thompson: 3 (9%)
  • Nathan Joseph Thompson: 10 (29%)
  • Landon Joseph Thompson: 4 (11%)
  • Kyle Joseph Thompson: 3 (9%)

I chose [name]Donovan[/name], love it!

[name]Eli[/name] [name]Joseph[/name] [name]Thompson[/name] flows very well together. Personally I don’t like the name [name]Elliot[/name] and if you are going to call him [name]Eli[/name] anyway, why not just name him [name]Eli[/name]?

I actually had the exact opposite reaction - I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Eli[/name] and [name]Elliot[/name] (both are on my list of favorites), and I voted for [name]Elliot[/name] because I figured then you would have the choice of calling him either one, and he would have the chioce between the two.
Either one also flows well with the last name [name]Thompson[/name]. [name]Elias[/name] (nn [name]Eli[/name]) is another option you might want to consider.

I’m not sure I love [name]Joseph[/name], though, as a middle name. I agree that [name]Eli[/name] [name]Joseph[/name] flows better somehow than [name]Elliot[/name] [name]Joseph[/name], but I don’t really love [name]Joseph[/name] with either one.

Some other suggestions:
[name]Elliot[/name] [name]Blaise[/name] [name]Thompson[/name]
[name]Elliot[/name] [name]Nicholas[/name] [name]Thompson[/name]
[name]Elliot[/name] [name]Christopher[/name] [name]Thompson[/name]
[name]Elliot[/name] [name]James[/name] [name]Thompson[/name]
[name]Elliott[/name] [name]William[/name] [name]Thompson[/name] (then you have the nn optionso f [name]Eli[/name] or [name]Liam[/name])
[name]Elliot[/name] [name]Xavier[/name] [name]Thompson[/name]
[name]Elliot[/name] [name]Frederick[/name] [name]Thompson[/name]

I happen to love [name]Donovan[/name] and [name]Nathan[/name] too (though perhaps not as much as [name]Elliot[/name] or [name]Eli[/name]), but I don’t think they sound well with your last name, because they end in N.

[name]Nathaniel[/name] [name]Elliot[/name] [name]Thompson[/name], however, would be a very handsome choice! (and you could still call him [name]Nate[/name] or [name]Eli[/name])

[name]Liam[/name] seems trendy and bound to feel dated in the future.

I love all your names- [name]Elliot[/name], [name]Donovan[/name] and [name]Liam[/name] are all on my boys list. I chose [name]Elliot[/name] [name]Joseph[/name] [name]Thompson[/name] because I think it flows best but I don’t think any of them sound bad either. Good luck!

I think that [name]Elliot[/name] and [name]Donovan[/name] create the best flow with [name]Joseph[/name] and your last name, because with the other options, each name only has two syllables. (For me, when every names has two syllables, the flow isn’t the best.)

I originally voted for [name]Donovan[/name] [name]Joseph[/name], but now that I think about it, [name]Don[/name] and [name]Thom[/name] have the same short o sound, so I’m changing my vote to [name]Elliot[/name] [name]Joseph[/name] [name]Thompson[/name]. :slight_smile:

Best wishes to you! :slight_smile:

[name]Donovan[/name] [name]Joseph[/name], so so handsome:)

I agree I think I like [name]Eli[/name] better…

We have narrowed down our list to:

[name]Eli[/name] [name]Joseph[/name]- (If he needed a formal name he could use is middle name right?)

[name]Donovan[/name] [name]Joseph[/name]

[name]Nathan[/name] [name]Joseph[/name]

I [name]LOVE[/name] the name [name]Nathan[/name]! Classic, strong and handsome. I know some Nathans and they are all really great people. [name]Eli[/name] would be my second choice.