So I’m due in [name_f]February[/name_f] and still haven’t found a middle name I love. This pregnancy has gone by way too fast! I feel like I just found out I was pregnant. With my daughter I had 5 different complete name combos picked out, narrowed it down to my two favorites, and then had my SO decide which one he liked more. (Then he decided he didn’t like the middle name so he picked out a new one the next day.) It seemed super easy with her.
I started compiling a name list for future babies right after she was born. Looking at her precious face just gave me baby fever and I knew then that I would eventually want more. Also, after all the fun of coming up with possible name combos for her it made me obsessed with names. Sadly though, most of the time I spent from the day I started my list until the day I found out the sex of this baby was spent looking at girl names. My boys list was extremely short, and even with the names I had added I mostly just felt ‘meh’ about them.
One name that I added definitely stood out above the rest, that I absolutely loved, and that was [name_m]Emrys[/name_m]. So when I found out I was having a boy it was an extremely easy decision, and I knew he was going to be [name_m]Emrys[/name_m]. (If he would have turned out to be a girl I would have a hard decision to pick my top 5 girl names, and then would pick 3 potential middle names for each one! It would have been difficult to settle on a name just for the fact that I love so many of the girl names on my list. But at least with that my only regret would be that I couldn’t use them all.)
Now here I am, due in 9 weeks and still don’t have a middle name b/c I’m not in love with any of them. I’ve tried to get my SO to help but he just keeps saying he’s not good at names. Any name I throw out at him I either get a response like he can’t believe I would suggest that name or I get “if that’s what you want”. I just really hate the possibility that I could pick a name I only feel ‘meh’ about, and that I might come across a name I love later on down the line.
I have come across a couple names that I like and aren’t just ‘meh’(though I wouldn’t say love) but I feel like they don’t flow well with [name_m]Emrys[/name_m]. Most of those names seem to end in -us, and I feel like the first and middle ending with a S sound just seems off. Plus the last name rhymes with lease. Another issue, though I guess not too huge, is that my mom likes to call her grandchildren by their middle name, or a nickname of their middle name. I showed her my list at one point and she said that a lot of them she didn’t know how to pronounce. I’m also worried that a lot of my names are unusual. Which isn’t really a problem to me, b/c that’s my taste, but I worry about having a name too out there since [name_m]Emrys[/name_m] isn’t really common. I’m not a fan of common names, but I’m hoping I can find a name that’s a happy medium.
Well, before this gets ridiculously long, maybe I should actually get to some of the names I’m considering, and maybe you lovely people will have suggestions that will completely blow me out of the water. Before I get to that though I want to add that I’m trying to avoid, at least somewhat, biblical names and names with religious meanings.
Names that I’m considering as a middle:
Other names I like:
[name_m]Arthur[/name_m](SO doesn’t like this)
If it comes down to it, where I get to the hospital and still don’t have a name that I love, then I most likely settle on either [name_m]Darwin[/name_m] or [name_m]Victor[/name_m].
If you read this far thank you and [name_f]TIA[/name_f] for any suggestions!