
What do you think of [name_u]Dune[/name_u] as a name? I’m not sure what made me think of it, but I’ve been thinking of it as a name for a boy lately. It’s definitely a little out there though, so if I were brave enough to use it, it would probably be as a middle with a more… normal? first name. I like it as a first name as well, but I think I would get flack from my family for it, and I also don’t feel great about sticking my child with such an unusual name. But who knows…

Anyway, just looking for thoughts about it? Anyone ever met a [name_u]Dune[/name_u]?

First thought is the Book/Movie, I came here wondering if you are a fan. Could be an interesting middle choice because of this,


Second thought, can be a very, very rude slang term in some circles, not one you would use in mixed company, or any company if you are me. This alone makes it a very big no for me.

It’s on my reading list, haven’t got to it yet though. Maybe that will sway me.
As for the slang, I have never heard anything about it, but it’s possible that I am just sheltered… That does give me something to think about, but it probably wouldn’t stop me from using it as a middle name. Maybe though.

It’s a landscape feature here so that’s all I think of.

I actually like the name [name_u]Dune[/name_u], it reminds me of beaches and those amazing images of pyramids and deserts. I wouldn’t use it as a first, as I’m not that brave, but as a middle name of nickname, yeah, sure!

I like nature names but [name_u]Dune[/name_u] just doesn’t do anything for me. I would find it a bit strange to meet someone with the name and would assume that their parents were big fans of the book/movie.

I love the sound of this name, but I personally prefer [name_m]Rune[/name_m]. Which is maybe something to think about as well. But [name_u]Dune[/name_u] is a great name too (:

It’s basically the same sound as the name [name_m]Duane[/name_m]. Why not try that?

I like the U sound in [name_u]Dune[/name_u], so [name_m]Duane[/name_m]/[name_m]Dwayne[/name_m] doesn’t work… [name_m]Rune[/name_m] would maybe work, thanks for the suggestions! I also kind of like the natury side of it though. I don’t really know why I like it, it’s very different from any other names I’m fond of.

[name_u]Love[/name_u] it for a middle name,not a first.

Dunes are iconic for my state, so it would be weird,IMHO, if anyone here used the name.

I can’t imagine the average 40 year old male being named [name_u]Dune[/name_u].

Sounds like a cute dog name.