So my conundrum is for a middle name for a second girl… first girls mn is Irene (my husband’s living maternal grandmother). The second girls mn naturally was going to be Eileen (my decreased maternal grandmother)… but I’ve been considering Louise lately. This is a repeat middle name of my mother, paternal grandmother, and aunt/godmother… this middle name is special too, honors 3 different women from my family, one of which is still living. It was pretty cool to name my daughter after a living person. But Louise doesn’t have the same symmetry with family relationship and rhyming!! (Irene/ Eileen both our mothers mothers name, and they rhyme)
So which would you do??
*feedback on why is appreciated!
It’d be so sweet and meaningful to honor your mother. Plus the fact that you can honor other relatives as well makes me vote for [name_u]Louise[/name_u]
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[name_u]Louise[/name_u]! A lovely name, and more honours in one
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Ooh, both lovely names, with such great family connections!
I can see why this is a tricky one to decide…
I agree that there is a certain “balance” if each girl’s middle honours a single relative (rather than 3 relatives), but this is probably not a major issue… plus kind of cancelled out by the fact that each name honours a single living relative.
So for me, they’re about 50/50… Does one of them flow better, or have nicer initials, with the chosen first name? Perhaps that might help with the choice! 
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Yessss you get it… such nice congruence with same relationship to baby (parents’ mothers’ mother…) plus they rhyme… but [name_u]Louise[/name_u] still nods my side of the family and includes a living relative which was kinda fun…so yeah i dunno seems like ppl like [name_u]Louise[/name_u] better?
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