This was the final class for year 2 and I only added one extra child! A huge continuous thanks to all your wonderful suggestions and enthusiasm for this series, I am truly having so much fun!
teacher: Becky Blundell (SuzieKim & namelover55)
year group assistant: Kay Evans (liberty.mairead & Anthiese)
Theodoric Caraway (Anthiese & rcinfj)
Petrichor Mythstychan (Anthiese & LillieMai)
Vickie Finchingfield (VEL & lolzabeth)
Sebastian Keating (ashybear02 & alessia810)
István Horváth (liberty.mairead & EagleEyes)
Ilya Morozov (huia & liberty.mairead)
Lana Kusturica (VEL & SuzieKim)
Axel Lindberg-Holst (VEL & namelover55)
Dervla O‘Donoghue (sissica77 & WildPosey)
George Thomas (liberty.mairead, SuzieKim, huia & Tab99)
Bethan Thomas (wander_lust3 & Tab99)
James Christopher Vermeer (ashybear02 & namelover55)
Louis Dufresne (huia)
Year 3 Class One Because of my dice rolling skills, we seem to have quite a number of siblings that ended up in this class and less in the others for this year group so if there is already a surname given, then the child has a sibling/siblings in a previous class which I have named next to them for reference.
teacher:FN: the name of a fictional TV/Movie/Book character that you would like to be related to (please say which) // LN: surname of someone you went to primary/elementary school with.
FN: girls name from this list (choose from #81-211) // LN: Addams.
(siblings Darryl & Robyn)
FN: girls name that works in Swedish and English // LN: Ahlberg.
(sister Iris)
FN: boys name popular in Germany // LN: German origin.
FN: Victorian girls name // LN: Darling.
(sister Millicent)
FN: boys name from this list // LN: Fraser.
(sister Bryony)
FN: double boys name, both names in origin of your two favourite languages (please say which) // LN: hyphenated, the same origins as the first names. (ie: Gwion Jacques Howells-Barreau, Welsh/Wales & French/France)
FN: Irish girls name that would be easy to pronounce in England // LN: Hayes-Williams.
(brother Cillian)
FN: a girls name that can be used in the Netherlands and Cuba // LN: Jansen-Martinez.
(sister Mimi)
FN: Japanese boys name // LN: Kumagi.
(sister Himari)
FN: boys name popular in Liechtenstein // LN: common surname in Liechtenstein.
FN: double girls name, first part Japanese origin and the other part is a classic name // LN: Sato-Burton.
(brother Kaito James)