
I like the name Eleison, which means mercy in Greek. I need an honest opinion though.

Hmmm…I’m not sure how to pronounce it. I’m also assuming it’s for a boy. Eleison is definitely unique and although I’m not very keen on it, I don’t see why it wouldn’t work.

Pronounced 'Eleyson"

The pronunciation is tricky. I don’t think I’d use it.

Eleison isn’t a name. It’s a Greek word. [name_u]Kyrie[/name_u] Eleison ([name_m]KEER[/name_m]-ee-ay ahl-AY-son) means “[name_m]Lord[/name_m], have mercy”. It’s a part of a Catholic mass and yeah… not something I’d ever see as a name.

Eleison is a word with a nice meaning. But that’s all it is – a word. I can see it as a middle, but never as a first.

My first thought was breaks into song [name_u]Kyrie[/name_u] Eleison. As @casilda has pointed out, it doesn’t mean “mercy”, but rather the plea “have mercy”. As a person’s name, it’s quite unexpected and might be judged by some to be inappropriate. That said, I think it has an attractive sound.

I like it, though same as @ilayali I break into song when I hear the name.
I think Eleison is much better than actually naming your child [name_f]Mercy[/name_f].