Elise or Elsie?

I really like both of these names but I’m not sure which I like better. [name_f]Elise[/name_f] has a sophisticated feel, not as frilly as [name_f]Alice[/name_f] imo, and I think can wear better over time than [name_f]Elsie[/name_f]. However, something about [name_f]Elise[/name_f] just draws me to it; it may be the pronunciation of [name_f]El[/name_f] in the beginning, I’m not sure, but it is very cute. What are your opinions?

Also, could [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] be a nickname for [name_f]Elise[/name_f]?

I prefer [name_f]Elise[/name_f], one of my favourite names. Not too sure about nn [name_f]Elsie[/name_f]. If you were to do that, you might as well choose [name_f]Elsie[/name_f].

Pick [name_f]Elise[/name_f]! It’s a classic. [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] is just going to sound dated in 10 years.

I prefer [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] by a mile. It’s energetic and fun, with a wonderfully charming and slightly whimsical vintage vibe. Plus I have a good character association with it. I’m not sure what, but there’s something about [name_f]Elise[/name_f] that I don’t like (same goes for [name_f]Alicia[/name_f], [name_f]Alyssa[/name_f] etc.). I do like longer names ending in -elise though, so it might be that it feels a bit incomplete to my ears. But I don’t see why [name_f]Elise[/name_f] nn [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] couldn’t work if you really love both.

Definitely [name_f]Elise[/name_f] and that is what I would call her, no nickname. [name_f]IMO[/name_f], [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] still reads old lady although use it if you love it.

I really like both. I slightly prefer the sweet feel of [name_f]Elsie[/name_f].

[name_f]Elise[/name_f], definitely!

I prefer [name_f]Elise[/name_f] but if you are going to call her [name_f]Elsie[/name_f], just use it.

I prefer [name_f]Elsie[/name_f]. I don’t like the ‘lease’ sound in [name_f]Elise[/name_f].

I think it would be silly to call an [name_f]Elise[/name_f] [name_f]Elsie[/name_f]. They are two different names of the same length.

I agree with your summary of the names, and I prefer [name_f]Elsie[/name_f]. I think it has more spunk, and sounds more Scandinavian, I tend to be drawn to those type of names. I think [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] will age well, despite ending in the -ie sound.

I don’t like the idea of using the name [name_f]Elise[/name_f] and calling her [name_f]Elsie[/name_f]. What about [name_u]Eloise[/name_u]? I think [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] could be a cute nickname for that, even though I love [name_u]Eloise[/name_u] (and [name_f]Elsie[/name_f]) as they are.

[name_f]Elsie[/name_f]! I like [name_f]Elise[/name_f] but I’ve always felt it was a bit lack-lustre, so she never stuck around on my list (and won’t until i find a way to liven her up). [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] is very fun in sound, and I love how vintage it feels - it may sound dated, but isn’t that kind of the point with vintage names?

I really prefer [name_f]Elsie[/name_f]. I love how it sounds and looks. It feels very playful but with a serious vibe when needed.

[name_f]Elsie[/name_f]…so cute

Use [name_f]Elise[/name_f]! It’s cute and classic, while [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] is old and too cutesy. [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] doesn’t age will, either.

[name_f]Elise[/name_f] and yes, [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] can be the nickname.

[name_f]Elise[/name_f]! It sounds so feminine yet timeless.

As a first name I prefer [name_f]Elise[/name_f] (or [name_f]Elyse[/name_f].) It’s not as cutesy but very classy and elegant. [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] will be my future DD’s mn as it was my ggma’s first name, and I definitely think its making a comeback.

I think [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] is adorable - I like it better than [name_f]Elise[/name_f], but I’d only use it as a nickname. [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] is traditionally a nickname for [name_f]Elizabeth[/name_f], but you could use it with [name_f]Elspeth[/name_f] or [name_u]Eloise[/name_u], too.

I love both these names, I prefer the sound of [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] but I just think [name_f]Elise[/name_f] will age better and sound better over time.