
See the results of this poll: Your impressions of Elowen?

Respondents: 34 (This poll is closed)

  • Creative : 15 (16%)
  • Beautiful : 17 (18%)
  • Intelligent : 7 (7%)
  • Whimsical : 22 (23%)
  • Feminine : 13 (14%)
  • Spunky : 3 (3%)
  • Friendly : 3 (3%)
  • Tom boy : 0 (0%)
  • Elegant : 11 (12%)
  • Other/See comments: 3 (3%)

My impression of [name]Elowen[/name] is whimsical!

[name]Elowen[/name] is…

1 Whimsical
2 Creative
3 Beautiful

To me, it’s beautiful and creative, and also sort of fantastical and magical. Mystical, I suppose.

Thanks for the votes and opinions! I have loved this name for years and since we are ttc I am trying to decide which names I love the most! More votes and opinions would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

Whimsical, creative and beautiful. I adore it, one of my all time favorites.

I love [name]Elowen[/name], though I wouldn’t use it myself. I think its beautiful and whimsical.

You don’t have any negative impressions, lol.
Sounds like a [name]Lord[/name] of the Rings name, and sorta like LMN.
It’s not terrible, but it’s not a name I like or would use.
I would expect someone with that name to be wearing fake fairy wings all the time.

That’s what I was thinking too. Like the girl that gets really mad in art class that no one understands her unicorn/rainbow painting.

It probably reminds you of [name]Lord[/name] of the Rings because there is a character named [name]Eowyn[/name]. I love [name]Lord[/name] of the Rings and don’t see a problem with that association.

The fake fairy wings comment is kind of mean spirited though. :frowning:

LOL - speaking of LOTR, my partner shot this down because it said it sounds like an awkward combo of [name]Elmo[/name] and [name]Arwen[/name].

You say that like wearing fairy wings is a BAD thing!! :wink: