
Is this made up? I can’t really find anything about it. Seems like it is a combo of two names





Full name for [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] option? Thoughts?

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I feel like it’s likely made up - according to Google, there’s a band with the name, so maybe that’s where it’s from? But it definitely works as a smoosh of Elsa/Elsie and Anne/Ann!

Out of your options, I like Elsianne the most, it looks the most “real” to me. I do prefer just [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] on its own, but I think Elsianne has a nice sound!


I’ve just been curious about it! We’re considering a few full names for [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] :slight_smile: thank you for your input

Elsiane looks like a smoosh name to me - it works well, and while it might be ‘made up’, two well established names together :slight_smile: In regards to the band, the lead singer is called ‘Elsieanne’ as her real, fullname.

Elsianne is my favourite spelling, but my one doubt is that it sounds a bit like ‘Elsa and Anna’ pushed together


It’s pretty on paper but it’s also giving me Frozen vibes (Elsa + Anna)


Oh gosh you are so right! That won’t do at all

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Agree completely!

I think Elsianne looks prettier and more complete with two n’s

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Our daughter is named Elsiana [name_u]Marie[/name_u]. We call her [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] for nickname. [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] and [name_f]Ana[/name_f] were family names. I have zero regrets using it :slight_smile: I also considered it with an extra L- Ellsiana

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While it does sound kind of made up, I think it has nice sounds and the potential to be a full name. Id spell it Elsianne

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I like Elseanne, I think El-see-ann is a bit chunky so ive always pronounced it as El-shawn lol

It’s likely made up if you can’t find anything on it but I think it easily comes off as a non made up name. I like it!

It reminds me of Elysienne which I adore. Sounds pretty to me but yes a little made up but not in a bad way just like the names [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] and [name_f]Ana[/name_f] got put together instead of hyphenated. If you love it then use it.

That’s such a pretty name! It makes me think of a fictional late 19th century girl who goes to live with an old relative in a big manor and has lots of adventures