Emergency Poll for my girl MC!

I have two POV characters in my book; a boy and a girl. I have the name of the boy character, Roran [name_u]Flame[/name_u] Eld “[name_u]Rory[/name_u]”.

Thanks in advance for reading this!

I have a strong vibe of my girl MC’s personality, but I haven’t found her a name yet. I was going to name her Aeronwyn because it was originally going to be Aeronwyn’s point of view, but now she’ll be a secondary character, still very important to the story.

But never mind that, here is my description of the MC who needs to be named:

A bit timid and shy but very sweet. She is very hardworking, dedicated, and trustworthy. She will always follow through and never break her promises. She isn’t very trusting to people she’s not very close with. This is her picture (made on azaleasdolls.com)

so…which is the best name for her?

  • [name_u]Artemis[/name_u]
  • [name_f]Elora[/name_f]
  • Eluna
  • [name_u]Lyric[/name_u]
  • [name_u]Indra[/name_u]
  • [name_u]Zephyr[/name_u]
0 voters

Some thoughts:

Artemis is a cool name and would fit your character, but since it’s a goddess’ name it would raise the question if the goddess [name_u]Artemis[/name_u] exists in your universe. (Of course many things raise questions like that: [name_m]Can[/name_m] you use [name_f]Mary[/name_f]-names if the Bible doesn’t exist? describe hair as a french braid if [name_f]France[/name_f] doesn’t exist? but with [name_u]Artemis[/name_u] the question is more imminent.)
[name_u]Lyric[/name_u] is more common as a word than as a name, which would work if word names are common in your world. Otherwise, it would stick out as weirdly modern.
[name_u]Zephyr[/name_u] has both of these problems.
I like [name_f]Elora[/name_f] and Eluna! Nothing’s wrong with [name_u]Indra[/name_u], I’m just not feeling it.

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I voted for [name_u]Indra[/name_u]! I think it’s perfect. Eluna would be my second pick. While I love [name_f]Elora[/name_f], it’s a bit too close to [name_u]Rory[/name_u] for me.

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Yeah, that was bugging me a bit too.

I think it could work because the names are distinct enough written down, but it would bug me as well which is why I mentioned it.