Miss [name]Emery[/name] [name]Jane[/name] was born [name]April[/name] 23rd at 8:55pm. To my surprise a whopping 8lbs 6.2oz and 22inches long. Good thing she came a week early :)!
We chose her name after much discussion. It was not easy but ended up being such an obvious choice. Besides [name]Emery[/name] and [name]Jane[/name] being elegant and not overly trendy they were both family names. [name]Emery[/name] is my husband’s grandmother’s maiden name and [name]Jane[/name] is her middle name as well as his mother’s. Her initials (as well as a potential nickname as we want to avoid [name]Em[/name] due to all the Emilys that are runnibg around) E.J. Are my late grandfathers and the name he went by. My little sister is [name]Emily[/name] [name]Jean[/name] so in a an attempt to also honor her we landed on [name]Emery[/name] [name]Jane[/name]!! It fits perfectly and she is beautiful.
Oh, [name]Elizabeth[/name]! Congratulations on your precious [name]Emery[/name] [name]Jane[/name]! I seriously must live under a rock, because I had no idea you were expecting! What a great surprise! I think [name]Emery[/name] [name]Jane[/name] is fantastic, especially due to the reasons you listed. I’m so happy for you, and this news absolutely made my night! Best wishes to you and your family!
Thank you so much! Your post made me smile. I wish I could post a picture since it was this site and all of you that helped me find the perfect name! Thanks again… She might not have a name yet with out this site. Haha
You’re welcome, [name]Elizabeth[/name]. I hardly ever check this thread, so I’m going to include this news in my next post on another thread. “Zard had a baby! Zard had a baby!”
What does she look like? Dark hair? [name]Light[/name] hair? I’d love to see her!
Note to [name]Emery[/name] [name]Jane[/name]: Please feel free to sleep through the night!
Big congratulations to you and your lovely daughter! [name]Emery[/name] [name]Jane[/name] is a fantastic name (especially considering all of the family members you were able to honor). Is she your first?