Emma vs. Jane vs. Charlotte

I do love both of these names… I am shying away from [name]Emma[/name] because of it’s popularity and shying away from [name]Jane[/name] as it might be too “plain” …with [name]Charlotte[/name], I worry it might be a passing fad and may be too popular as well. Thoughts? Suggestions? Thank you Berries!

I say this a lot. I like [name]Jane[/name] as a fn. As a mn I always think it’s a filler, but as a first I actually find it refreshing. I don’t think I actually know a single [name]Jane[/name] (who isn’t a TV or movie character or [name]Jane[/name] Eyre).

I do however really like all of them however, [name]Charlotte[/name] is on my love list. The other two would probably be as well but I really like longer nn-able names. And [name]Charlotte[/name] just happens to have both [name]Lottie[/name] and [name]Chuck[/name] which both adore. [name]Emma[/name] and [name]Jane[/name] have neither.

[name]Jane[/name] is very plan to me personally. I’d go with [name]Emma[/name] or [name]Charlotte[/name]. [name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Emma[/name] would be a refreshing reversal on the popular [name]Emma[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name] combo.

I adore [name]Jane[/name]. It doesnt read “plain” to me at all because it’s so refreshing to hear it these days.

I actually prefer [name]Emma[/name] to [name]Charlotte[/name], yes there are a lot of Emmas out there, but it’ll always be one of my favorites. The simplicity of it (maybe like [name]Jane[/name]) makes it so beautiful. [name]Charlotte[/name] because it is so distinctive, feels almost more overdone to me at this point (does that make any sense?) I’ve just tired of it faster.

I love [name]Jane[/name]! And [name]Charlotte[/name] (I prefer [name]Lola[/name] for a nn with this).

To me [name]Emma[/name] is overused and a little dated, but I do love [name]Emmeline[/name]/[name]Emmalin[/name] which are similar but seem fresher.

I like [name]Charlotte[/name] and [name]Jane[/name]. I really don’t think you could go wrong with either of those. I want to like [name]Emma[/name], but when I say it out loud I hear “enema”. I’m obviously in the minority here because its such a popular name.

[name]Charlotte[/name] is my favorite, followed by [name]Emma[/name], then [name]Jane[/name]. But I really like all three, and I feel they will always be classics, never trendy.

I love [name]Jane[/name] and [name]Charlotte[/name]. [name]Emma[/name] is so pretty, but sooooooo common.

[name]Jane[/name]. As classic as [name]Charlotte[/name] is, with so many little Charlottes running around it’s going to date. Ditto with [name]Emma[/name]. If you think [name]Jane[/name] is too plain go see - or read - Pride & Prejudice. That completely changed the way I viewed [name]Jane[/name]. (It obviously served [name]Jane[/name] [name]Austen[/name] well, too.)

I have loved [name]Charlotte[/name] for thirty years and I would use it if I ever got the chance. I like [name]Emma[/name] and [name]Jane[/name] as well.

I love the name [name]Charlotte[/name]; it’s one of my very favourite. I don’t like [name]Emma[/name] at all, but [name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Jane[/name] would be a beautiful choice.

I like all of these, but I vote for [name]Jane[/name] because the others are so dang popular and kinda trendy.
I would [name]LOVE[/name] to meet a little [name]Jane[/name]. It seems so cool and fresh right now.

I like [name]Charlotte[/name], [name]Jane[/name], and [name]Emily[/name] (more than [name]Emma[/name]). I think you will pick a good one; can’t go wrong with those names ;).