
My Husband and I have been going back and forth for over 8 months now and really want to name our soon-to-be-born daughter, [name_f]Emmanuelle[/name_f]. We really like this name, but based on our research, it seems like it’s not very common as a feminine name and so much so, that people seem to only know it as a masculine name ([name_m]Emanuel[/name_m]). We keep convincing ourselves that we may need to change this name and we sit down and go through alternatives, but at the end of these, now numerous sessions, we re-convince ourselves that we want [name_f]Emmanuelle[/name_f].

So we wanted to reach out and get anonymous opinions.


If you cannot find a name you like better than [name_f]Emmanuelle[/name_f], I say use [name_f]Emmanuelle[/name_f]! Yes, it’s long, but it’s beautiful, elegant, charming; it offers plenty of nickname option to choose from.

I just love this name so much, but I may be biased though because my godmother’s name is [name_f]Emanuela[/name_f].
Honestly, I would be thrilled to meet a little [name_f]Emmanuelle[/name_f]! Go for it! :slight_smile:

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I think it’s beautiful. If you love it and agree on it, I think you should use it. Especially if you keep coming back to it!

I adore the name [name_f]Emmanuelle[/name_f]! It’s adorable and will definitely work when she’s a teen and adult! I would love to meet an [name_f]Emmanuelle[/name_f]

[name_f]Emmanuelle[/name_f] is gorgeous!

Thanks so much for the positive feedback; this is just the validation and reassurance we need. Thanks!!

I love it! We used it as a middle name.

[name_f]Emmanuelle[/name_f] is simply beautiful!

I absolutely adore [name_f]Emmanuelle[/name_f]. I hope you get to use it -it’s such an underused gem, imo.

I like emanuelle! It sounds like ‘the name’ for you! I love that it is not a terribly common name, I like that it ends in ‘[name_f]Elle[/name_f]’ and not ‘ela’, I like that everyone is firmiliar with the name [name_m]Emanuel[/name_m], and it won’t be mispronounced, I like it, I really like it. I think you should go with it!

It’s riveting! Makes me think of the late, great [name_f]Emmanuelle[/name_f] [name_f]Riva[/name_f].

If [name_f]Emmanuelle[/name_f] is the name you love then I think you should go with it! It’s a cool, uncommon name and it comes with great nickname potential. :slight_smile:

OP - I have an Australian friend here with a daughter, [name_f]Emmanuelle[/name_f] and yes they get [name_m]Emmanuel[/name_m]. It is off putting.
They have actually used [name_f]Emmanuella[/name_f] where this error mostly occurs at government agencies. Family and friends have it right and I think it’s a delicate glorious name so I hope you use it.

I think it is beautiful and perfectly feminine!! Use it!!

I adore [name_f]Emmanuelle[/name_f] - it’s one of my favourite names and has so many usable nicknames ([name_f]Emma[/name_f], [name_f]Anna[/name_f], [name_f]Elle[/name_f]). From the UK, I’m never mate an [name_m]Emmanuel[/name_m] but I did have a friend for a long time called [name_f]Emmanuelle[/name_f] whom everyone referred to as [name_f]Em[/name_f]. I would definitely say go for it.

Very beautiful name!

If you stress the -elle ending, as I’ve always imagined it’s invariably pronounced, you should be OK. ? eh-man-yoo-[name_f]ELLE[/name_f] sounds completely different to eh-[name_m]MAN[/name_m]-yoo-el to me.

We considered [name_f]Emmanuelle[/name_f] or [name_f]Emmanuella[/name_f] for our daughter, too! They are both gorgeous names. I say go for it! And I totally agree with @morning_glory. The pronunciation sets it apart enough and makes it sound more feminine. Though you may have to correct people on it.

My daughter goes to school with an [name_f]Emmanuella[/name_f]. If you love it, go for it! I think [name_f]Emmanuelle[/name_f] is a gorgeous name!

I think you’ve got your answer already but I’ll just chime in to say that I love [name_f]Emmanuelle[/name_f] too. Such a perfectly feminine, beautiful, delicate, strong name and feels really timeless and adaptable to me. Go for it and good luck for her arrival!