Emmy or Emily?

Which do you prefer? (Emmy would be a stand alone name, not a nickname).

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Both are lovely! But I find [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] as a stand alone name so pretty and charming. I love the vintage vibe she gives and also less common than [name_f]Emily[/name_f].
[name_f]Emmy[/name_f] would be gorgeous with the right middle name.

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I prefer the classic feel of [name_f]Emily[/name_f] :sunflower:

I prefer [name_f]Emily[/name_f] including bc you can use [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] (or Millie) as nicknames but I mostly find it a bit more energetic as a name. To me (and this might be quite distinct), [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] feels very young and shy.

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[name_f]Emily[/name_f]! [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] is cute, but I find [name_f]Emily[/name_f] has more versatility overall.

[name_f]Emmy[/name_f]! [name_m]Charming[/name_m] and zippy

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[name_f]Emily[/name_f]. Then she can choose to go by [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] or [name_f]Millie[/name_f] or [name_f]Emily[/name_f] in different situations and isn’t saddled with a rather childish name as an adult.

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I like [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] a bit better, but spelled [name_f]Emmie[/name_f].

[name_f]Emily[/name_f], lovely timeless classic. I can’t quite get on board with [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] as a full name. I’m not sure why, I’ve yet to identify the pattern on which nicknames I like as full names and which I don’t.

[name_f]Emily[/name_f] nn [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] for me! I love the [name_m]Dickinson[/name_m] ref of this sweet name. So much!

I prefer the classic, literary [name_f]Emily[/name_f]! :slight_smile:
[name_f]Emmy[/name_f] sounds a bit too nickname-y (and also reminds me of the [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] Awards).

my name is [name_f]Emily[/name_f] and I would hate having [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] as my full name.

This is so hard bc I find [name_f]Emily[/name_f] so overdone, but [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] feels a bit limited and possibly even childish as a full, legal name. I’d probably pick [name_f]Emily[/name_f] because then she’s got options.

[name_f]My[/name_f] great grandmother was an [name_f]Emma[/name_f] nn [name_f]Emmy[/name_f]!

[name_f]Emmy[/name_f] is so sweet, I love it. I do prefer it as a NN though. [name_f]Emily[/name_f] NN [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] would be great so you get to use your two faves. I also love [name_f]Emilia[/name_f] NN [name_f]Emmy[/name_f]. :slight_smile:

I love both! I’m loving [name_f]Emily[/name_f] a bit more atm, but both are such lovely classics. :slight_smile:

Both are lovely, but I personally would go for [name_f]Emily[/name_f] and use [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] as a nickname, because it’s the best of both worlds! :smiling_face:

I would go for [name_f]Emily[/name_f], it’s a lovely name, timeless. I was actually almost named [name_f]Emily[/name_f].
[name_f]Emmy[/name_f] can always be used as a nickname.

[name_f]Emmy[/name_f] is beautiful, gives some individuality as [name_f]Emily[/name_f] would probably end up sharing her name with somebody in her class/grade growing up!

[name_f]Emily[/name_f] nn [name_f]Emmy[/name_f], so she can chooses what fits best for her as a grown up. But I’m kinda biased since I’m a [name_f]Emily[/name_f] and one of my nicknames is [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] :slight_smile:

I love [name_f]Emmi[/name_f] as a standalone name but i dont think it would age well , it might