Hello! I’m wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to pass the time. [name_f]My[/name_f] 5 y/o daughter just started school, while my 3 and 1 y/o sons are in daycare. I’m expecting baby #4 in [name_f]November[/name_f] but I don’t know how to pass the time till then. Any ideas or suggestions will be appreciated!
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Congratulations on your pregnancy! I hope it hasn’t been to rough on you. In my last couple of months of pregnancy, I alternated between quiet, restful days and days where I’d clean or organise things for the baby. If you feel up to being active, going for walks can be so refreshing. I also got so much reading done! If you enjoy arts and crafts, you could do something along those lines - drawing, painting, crochet, etc.
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I used the last months to clean tidy the house, prepare the baby’s things. [name_f]Freeze[/name_f] as many meals as possible. [name_f]May[/name_f] do your [name_f]Christmas[/name_f] shopping and wrapping, Get rest and exercise.
Could you keep one or both of your sons home with you?