
I just came across this name from someone on a thread and I’m so intrigued by it. [name]Do[/name] you like it for a girl or a boy? I’m thinking it is a nice alternative to the popular [name]Emerson[/name]. I like it for a boy with the nickname [name]Em[/name]. Thoughts?

Eh, nms. Feels like [name]Ainsley[/name], but less attractive.

Emsley is the sort of name if I personally stumbled across would also find it intriguing! :wink:
It does seem more boy to me than girl, but could be easily see it as a unisex name.
I personally love names like [name]Emerson[/name], [name]Emile[/name], etc., so I find this name a refreshing and cool find! It has the air of uniqueness without appearing totally made-up.

I think it looks and sounds like a trendy, made-up spin on [name]Emma[/name] and [name]Emily[/name].

It’s a legit surname but I’m so sick of all these “[name]Em[/name]” names that I just can’t bring myself to like it

I prefer Elmsley or Helmsley

I don’t care for it. I agree with agirlinred and east93.