End of the names sound the same. Would this be too much?

We like the name [name_f]Meadow[/name_f] (SO likes it more than me but it’s on our list) However, our last name is Zumpano so they both end with the same sound. SO doesn’t mind it and thinks it sounds ok together. Im not really sure that I like them together so some outside opinions would be helpful since I feel like I’m over thinking it now. She would have a middle name so that would break it up a bit but middle names aren’t used very often.

[name_m]Just[/name_m] to be clear, I dont want opinions on the name [name_f]Meadow[/name_f]. It’s only 1 of a long list and SO loves it very much and even though it’s not my top name, I don’t hate it so for now it stays.


I don’t think it’s too much. Our last name ends in “a” and a lot of the girl names we like also end in “a.” I would just choose a middle name that doesn’t end in the same sound.

I know you didn’t ask for other names, but maybe consider adding [name_u]Prairie[/name_u] to your list? I knew a girl named [name_u]Prairie[/name_u] when I was in school and I always thought it was so pretty.

Thank you so much for the reply and the suggestion! I hadn’t thought of how well that could work out instead and had actually completely forgotten about it until you mentioned it. I’ll definitely add it to the list! Thanks!

It is a bit rhymy but it wouldn’t be a deal breaker for everyone. It’s probably too much for me but it isn’t terrible so you are the one that has to decide if you are okay with it. Sorry, that may not be all that helpful! I agree that you have to think of her name without the middle in it as on a day-to-day basis, we don’t use our middle names and she will be known as Mead0w Zump@n0 I wouldn’t choose another word name as a middle though.

I think the length of your surname means it sounds fine

Depends if Zumpano is said like Zum-Paw-No or Zoom-[name_m]Pan[/name_m]-Oh. One is a bit more clunky (The latter) but both sound different enough from the O in [name_f]Meadow[/name_f] because of the emphasis on the P in Zumpano that it doesn’t crash together. Least that’s my opinion.

I think its fine to have vaguely ‘rhyming’ names. People get over-concerned with that sort of thing but unless the name is like Roly Poly I seriously doubt it will ever bother her.

I think because [name_f]Meadow[/name_f] is 2 syllables and the last name is 3 it breaks it up enough that is doesn’t seem overly rhymey. I think it is doable

I think it’s okay. It’s quite sweet and endearing.

I don’t think it’s too matchy. If your last name were Leto then maybe not lol. But I think it sounds fine with yours.

I think it’s fine. I can think of lots of celebrities who have names that end in the same sound, and [name_f]Meadow[/name_f] Soprano was a character on the Sopranos.

I actually like them together! Very fun and rhythmic. [name_f]Meadow[/name_f] is a pretty name, and your surname is awesome!

I think its fine. In fact, I don’t hear a rhyme at all.

I think they’re fine together. If you were thinking something more like [name_m]LuciANO[/name_m] ZumpANO that might be too much for me, but I like [name_f]Meadow[/name_f] with your last name.

I think it’s fine, don’t stress! It isn’t too rhymey, I think you’re just overthinking it a bit :slight_smile:

I agree with the others, not too rhymey at all! They go well together.

Not an issue.