So basically I decided to do something similar to “The Playground Analysis” for the England and Wales 2019 list by combining all the spellings for a particular name into one. Here is a link to the wonderful Kelli Brady’s author page where you can find her combined spelling lists/Playground Analyses for the US charts:
(Kelli Brady, Author at Nameberry - Baby Name Blog | Nameberry)
However for my E+W analysis I decide to add in an extra step. As many of you know double barrelled names are very popular over here in the UK - many Olivias, for example, might actually be Olivia-Rose or Olivia-Mae on the birth certificate. So I also decided to include these also, which seemed to have quite a pronounced effect on the rankings!
So here is the combined spelling top 20! I’ve included the original rank in brackets, and under the cut are all the spellings/variants and their original rank as well.
Disclaimer-y Bit
I am not a professional nor a statistician, I am just a sad little man with too much time. I really tried my best but there probably are errors somewhere, especially since I typed it all by hand. Also, what is considered to be a spelling variant of a name is very subjective. I tried to include any name that is either a clear spelling variation of the original, or that I felt a significant proportion of people would pronounce the same as the most popular version. That is just about the most nonscientific definition out there, but I really couldn’t do any better. If in doubt, I included it (unless I had a specific reason not to). This lead to some names getting included that probably aren’t always pronounced the same as the original - for example Henri, which is usually pronounced the French way but could be a spelling of Henry in some cases. Same with Jakub, Ayla, Evy, Elena etc. It’s a decision I made with each name and I’m fully aware there are some people who are not going to agree with me on which names should or shouldn’t be included - but I can’t please everybody! So ultimately I tried to make the best, most inclusive choice possible on a case by case basis.
1. Muhammad (7)
Muhammad (7), Mohammed (31), Mohammad (73), Muhammed (148), Mohamed (199), Mohamad (798), Mehmet (894), Muhammad-Ali (1587), Muhammad-Musa (1869), Muhammad-Yusuf (1986), Mahamed (1986), Muhamad (2104), Mohammod (2266), Muhamed (2266), Muhammad-Ibrahim (2266), Muhammad-Eesa (2488), Mohammed-Musa (2728), Muhammad-Zakariya (2728), Muhammad-Hashim (3013), Muhammad-Yahya (3013), Mohammed-Yusuf (3411), Mohammed-Zakariya (3411), Muhmmad (3411), Mehmed (3411), Mohammed-Yahya (3937), Muhammad-Aadil (3937), Muhammad-Adam (3937), Muhammad-Mustafa (3937), Muhammad-Zayaan (3937), Muhammed-Ibrahim (3937), Mahammad (3937), Mohammad-Abdullah (4702), Mohammed-Ali (4702), Mohammed-Arham (4702), Mohammed-Ismaeel (4702), Mohmmed (4702), Mouhamed (4702), Muhammad-Azaan (4702), Muhammad-Hadi (4702), Muhammad-Haris (4702), Muhammad-Isa (4702), Muhammad-Subhaan (4702), Muhammad-Yousaf (4702), Muhammad-Zain (4702), Muhammad-Zidan (4702), Muhummed (4702)
More detail about the process for Muhammad: The process for Muhammad was a little more thorough. A name might be pronounced differently or look different to Muhammad when written in Latin letters, but have the same spelling as Muhammad in Arabic. Also, exactly when a name stops being a spelling of Muhammad and starts being a distinct name can be up for debate. So my criteria for names to fall under the “Muhammad” umbrella was a) have the same meaning and b) have the same Arabic spelling/origin - مُحَمَّد. However it should be noted that two different spellings under this list could have different cultural backgrounds e.g Mehmet is popular in Turkey. If anyone has suggestions for a better/more accurate criteria please let me know! Even if I only included the top two spellings of Muhammad it still would outrank Oliver by quite a bit, so it doesn’t really make a difference to the statistics, but I’d like the list to be as accurate as possible.
2. Oliver (1)
Oliver (1), Oliver-James (1253), Oliwer (2728), Olliver (3411), Oliver-George (3937), Oliver-Lee (3937), Oliver-Jay (4702), Oliver-Thomas (4702)
3. George (2)
George (2), Jorge (908), George-Henry (4702), Jeorge (4602)
4. Noah (3)
Noah (3), Noa (952), Noah-James (1030), Noah-Lee (2728), Noah-John (3013), Noah-Jay (3411), Nouh (3937), Noah-Kai (4702)
5. Arthur (4)
Arthur (4), Arthur-James (1439), Arthur-John (3013), Arthur-George (3411), Arthur-Lee (3937, Arthor (4702), Arthur-William (4702)
6. Harry (5)
Harry (5), Harri (344), Hari (476), Harry-James (3937)
7. Leo (6)
Leo (6), Leo-James (1587), Lio (2488), Leo-George (3013), Leo-Jordan (4702)
8. Oscar (10)
Oscar (10), Oskar (208), Oscar-James (1587), Oscar-Lee (2728), Oscar-Jay (3013), Oska (3937), Oscar-Ray (4702)
9. Jack (8)
Jack (8), Jac (490), Jak (1316), Jack-Junior (2104), Jack-James (3013)
10. Charlie (9)
Charlie (9), Charley (1369), Charlie-James (1587), Charly (2266), Charlie-Ray (2488), Charlie-Joe (3013), Charlee (3411), Charlie-Jay (3411), Charlie-John (3937), Charlie-George (4702), Charlie-Jack (4702)
11. Jacob (11)
Jacob (11), Jakub (220), Jakob (674), Jacob-James (2104), Jacob-Lee (2104), Jacob-John (3411), Jaycob (3937), Jacob-Thomas (4702)
12. Thomas (13)
Thomas (13), Tomas (418), Tomos (443), Thomas-James (1745), Thomas-John (3013), Thomas-Junior (3937), Tomass (3937), Thomas-Jay (4702)
13. Freddie (14)
Freddie (14), Freddy (249), Freddie-James (1745), Freddie-Lee (1869), Freddie-Jay (3013), Freddie-George (3411), Freddie-John (3411), Freddie-Ray (3411), Freddie-Joe (4702), Freddy-Joe (4702)
14. Henry (12)
Henry (12), Henri (740), Henry-James (1745), Henry-John (4702), Henry-Lee (4702)
15. Alfie (15)
Alfie (15), Alfie-James (1030), Alfie-Jay (1369), Alfie-Lee (1439), Alffi (1655), Alfie-George (2266), Alfie-John (2266), Alfie-Joe (3411), Alfie-Jack (3937), Alfi (3937), Alfie-Gray (4702), Alfie-Jae (4702), Alfie-Thomas (4702)
16. Louie (42)
Louie (42), Louis (53), Loui (874), Lewie (1113), Lewi (1316), Louie-James (1869), Luey (3411), Lui (3411), Louie-George (3937), Louai (4702), Louie-Jay (4702), Louie-Michael (4702), Louis-John (4702), Luai (4702), Lewy (4702)
17. Theo (16)
Theo (16), Theo-James (1152), Theo-Joshua (3937), Theo-John (4702)
18. Theodore (18)
Theodore (18), Theodor (663), Theodore-James (3937)
19. William (17)
William (17), Wiliam (2266)
20. Archie (19)
Archie (19), Archie-James (1439), Archie-Lee (1587), Archie-Jay (1745), Archie-Ray (2104), Archie-John (2266), Archie-Joe (3411), Archi (3937), Archie-Thomas (3937), Archy (3937)
1. Amelia (2)
Amelia (2), Emilia (32), Amelia-Rose (241), Emelia (302), Emilija (778), Amelia-Grace (854), Amelia-Mae (1389), Emilia-Rose (1439), Amelija (1634), Amilia (1634), Amelia-May (1854), Amelia-Rae (1940), Amelia-Lily (2170), Emelia-Rose (2286), Amelia-Jane (2643), Amelia-Jade (3151), Amelia-Lilly (3151), Ameliah (3541), Amellia (3541), Emilia-Grace (3541), Emelia-Grace (4001), Amelia-Jayne (4686), Emilia-Rae (4686), Amelia-Leigh (5591), Amelia-Noor (5591)
2. Isla (3)
Isla (3), Ayla (84), Isla-Rose (251), Iyla (322), Aiyla (424), Isla-Mae (496), Isla-Grace (682), Iylah (881), Isla-Rae (936), Aylah (1063), Isla-May (1316), Eila (1634), Ajla (1703), Iyla-Rose (1782), Isla-Mai (1854), Ayla-Rae (2286), Ayla-Rose (2286), Iyla-Mae (2643), Iyla-Rae (2643), Islay (2869), Ila (2869), Islah (3151), Isla-Mare (3151), Aiylah (3151), Aisla (3541), Isla-Jean (3541), Ayla-Grace (3541), Ayla-Mae (3541), Ailah (3541), Isla-Jayne (4001), Iyla-Grace (4001), Iylah-Rae (4001), Isla-Rai (4686), Ila-Rose (5591), Isla-Belle (5591), Ayla-Jae (5591), Ayla-May (5591), Iylah-Mae (5591), Ilah (5591)
3. Olivia (1)
Olivia (1), Oliwia (386), Olivia-Rose (399), Alivia (641), Olivia-Grace (806), Olivia-Mae (1095), Olivia-May (1497), Olivia-Rae (2040), Olivia-Mai (2286), Olivia-Jane (3151), Olivia-Leigh (3541), Olivija (4001), Olivia-Hope (4686), Olivia-Jayne (4686), Olivia-Jean (4686), Olivia-Ann (5591), Olivia-Faye (5591), Olivia-Lee (5591), Olivia-Lily (5591), Olivia-Maria (5591), Olivia-Marie (5591)
4. Sophia (7)
Sophia (7), Sofia (26), Sofija (996), Sophia-Rose (1119), Sofiya (1389), Sophia-Grace (1634), Sofia-Maria (2040), Sofia-Rose (2286), Sophia-Maria (3151), Sofia-Grace (3151), Sophia-Mae (3541), Sophia-May (4686), Soffia (4686), Sofia-Ioana (4686), Sophia-Marie (5591), Sofia-Elena (5591)
5. Lily (9)
Lily (9), Lilly (86), Lillie (182), Lily-Rose (386), Lily-Mae (389), Lilly-Rose (584), Lili (590), Lilly-Mae (609), Lily-May (694), Lilly-May (737), Lillie-Mae (920), Lillie-Rose (1119), Lily-Ann (1252), Lily-Mai (1439), Lily-Grace (1497), Lilly-Ann (1703), Lilli (1854), Lily-Rae (1940), Lily-Anne (2040), Lilly-Mai (2040), Lillie-Mai (2170), Lilly-Anne (2170), Lilly-Rae (2170), Lillie-Rae (2286), Lillie-May (2458), Lillie-Grace (2869), Lily-Marie (3151), Lillie-Ann (3151), Lilley (3541), Lillie-Marie (3541), Lilly-Anna (3541), Lilly-Grace (3541), Lilly-Marie (3541), Lily-Jane (4001), Lillie-Anne (4001), Lilly-Sue (4001), Lily-Jayne (4686), Lily-Jo (4686), Lily-Belle (5591), Lily-Jade (5591), Lily-Jean (5591)
6. Ava (4)
Ava (4), Ava-Rose (275), Ava-Mae (368), Ava-Grace (513), Ava-May (778), Ayva (796), Ava-Leigh (1189), Ava-Marie (1252), Ava-Mai (1292), Ava-Louise (1389), Avah (1497), Ava-Rae (1562), Ayvah (1634), Ava-Lily (1854), Eiva (2286), Ava-Jean (2458), Ava-Lilly (3151), Aiva (4001), Ava-Jane (4686), Ava-Maria (4686), Avah-Mae (5591), Ava-Jade (5591), Ava-Jayne (5591), Ayva-Mae (5591)
7. Mia (5)
Mia (5), Mia-Rose (510), Miya (545), Miah (1039), Miyah (1316), Mia-Grace (1439), Mia-Louise (1940), Mia-May (2286), Mia-Mae (2643), Mia-Rae (2643), Mija (3151), Meya (3541), Mia-Leigh (4001), Mea (4001), Meah (4001), Mia-Jade (5591), Mia-Mai (5591), Miya-Maie (5591), Miya-Rose (5591)
8. Isabella (6)
Isabella (6), Izabella (439), Isabella-Rose (632), Izabela (737), Isabela (1316), Isobella (1497), Isabella-Rae (2643), Isabella-Grace (3151), Izzabella (3151), Izabella-Rose (4001), Isabella-Mae (4686), Isabella-May (4686)
9. Ivy (12)
Ivy (12), Ivy-Rose (261), Ivy-Mae (632), Ivie (761), Ivy-Rae (1119), Ivy-Grace (1153), Ivy-Leigh (1316), Ivy-May (1497), Ivy-Mai (2170), Ivey (2458), Ivy-Marie (2458), Ivy-Willow (2643), Ivy-Louise (3151), Ivie-Rose (3541), Ivy-Belle (3541), Ivy-Blu (3541), Ivy-Blue (3541), Ivy-Lou (4001), Ivy-Jayne (4686), Ivy-Ray (4686), Yvie (4686), Ivee (5591), Ivy-Ann (5591), Ivy-Anne (5591), Ivy-Bleu (5591), Ivy-Jade (5591), Ivy-Jane (5591), Ivy-Jo (5591)
10. Ella (13)
Ella (13), Ella-Rose (259), Ella-Mae (475), Ela (480), Ella-Rae (1017), Ella-May (1095), Ella-Mai (1119), Ella-Louise (1189), Ella-Grace (1316), Ella-Marie (2170), Ella-Jo (4686), Ellah (5591), Ella-Jean (5591), Ella-Maria (5591)
11. Maya (34)
Maya (34), Mya (135), Maja (197), Maia (218), Myah (485), Miya (545), Maiya (864), Miyah (1316), Mya-Rose (1389), Maya-Rose (1562), Mayah (1634), Maija (3151), Mija (3151), Myah-Rose (4001), Mahya (4686), Maia-Grace (4686), Maya-Alexandra (4686), Mya-Mae (4686), Maiyah (5591), Mya-Leigh (5591), Mya-Louise (5591), Myia (5591), Miya-Mae (5591), Miya-Rose (5591)
12. Emily (11)
Emily (11), Emilie (360), Emily-Rose (955), Emilly (1854), Emilee (2040), Emily-Grace (2170), Emili (2458), Emelie (2643), Emeli (4001), Emillie (4001), Emily-Mae (4001), Emily-May (4001), Emely (4686), Emily-Louise (4686), Emiley (5591), Emily-Jade (5591), Emily-Jane (5591)
13. Freya (10)
Freya (10), Freyja (448), Freya-Rose (1039), Freja (1189), Freya-Mae (2040), Freya-Louise (2458), Fraya (2869), Freja-Rose (5591), Freya-Jade (5591), Freya-Mai (5591), Freya-Marie (5591), Freya-May (5591), Freya-Rae (5591)
14. Isabelle (28)
Isabelle (28), Isabel (142), Isobel (151), Isobelle (823), Izabelle (1703), Isabell (2170), Izabel (2458), Izabele (2643), Isabelle-Rose (2869)
15. Grace (8)
Grace (8), Grace-Louise (4001), Grace-Marie (5591), Grayce (5591)
16. Evie (15)
Evie (15), Evie-Rose (574), Evie-Mae (670), Evie-Grace (1119), Evie-May (1252), Evie-Rae (1562), Evie-Leigh (1703), Evie-Mai (1940), Eevee (2170), Eevie (2869), Evy (2869), Eviee (3151), Evie-Louise (3541), Evie-Marie (3541), Evie-Ann (4686), Evee (5591), Evie-Jean (5591)
17. Poppy (17)
Poppy (17), Poppie (796), Poppy-Mae (1153), Poppy-Rose (1252), Poppy-Rae (1854), Poppy-Mai (2286), Poppi (2458), Poppy-Leigh (2643), Poppy-May (2643), Poppy-Grace (2869), Popi (4686), Poppie-Mae (4686), Poppy-Ann (4686), Poppy-Jayne (4686), Poppy-Lou (4686), Poppie-Mai (5591), Poppie-Rose (5591), Poppi-Rose (5591)
18. Rosie (14)
Rosie (14), Rosie-Mae (1063), Rosie-May (1292), Rosie-Leigh (1389), Rosey (2040), Rosie-Mai (2869), Rosy (2869), Rosie-Marie (3151), Rosie-Ann (3541), Rosie-Grace (3541), Rosie-Lee (3541), Rosie-Rae (3541), Rosie-Anna (5491), Rosie-Anne (5591), Rosie-Jane (5591), Rosie-Louise (5591)
19. Willow (19)
Willow (19), Willow-Rose (703), Willow-Grace (778), Willow-Rae (1854), Willow-Mae (2286), Willow-May (2869), Willow-Mai (3541), Willow-Ivy (4686), Willow-Jay (4686), Willow-Faith (5591), Willow-Harper (5591), Willow-Marie (5591)
20. Elsie (21)
Elsie (21), Elsie-Mae (506), Elsie-May (823), Elsie-Rose (838), Elsi (1218), Elsie-Grace (1562), Elsie-Rae (1562), Elsie-Mai (1703), Elsie-Jane (3151), Elsie-Marie (3151), Elsie-Leigh (3541), Elsie-Lou (3541), Ellsie (4001), Elsey (4001), Elsie-Louise (4001), Elsy (4001), Elsie-Lee (4686), Elsie-Ann (5591), Elsie-Anne (5591), Elsie-Jade (5591), Elsie-Jayne (5591), Elsie-Jean (5591), Elsie-Jo (5591)
So there we have it! Hope you enjoy/somebody other than me finds it interesting lol. I’m considering doing a similar thing with a “nickname analysis” (basically everything I’ve done so far plus things like Ollie for Oliver etc) but I’m unsure if it’s actually doable/what the logistics would work out as, or if anyone would be interested. But anyway, enough from me - hope you guys find this useful and thanks for reading!