I’m still several years out from having kids but am thinking about names and Hebrew names for when that does happen. For those unaware, Ashkenazi Jewish families name their kids after deceased relatives both in their legal English names and in their Hebrew names, with the English name usually using the same first letter. We don’t necessarily need all of the legal names to be derived from Hebrew, but there are certain names that you just don’t really hear on Jewish kids (ex. I love the names [name_f]Savannah[/name_f] and [name_f]Francesca[/name_f] but probably wouldn’t use them for that reason).
My boyfriend’s grandfather just passed away this past weekend and I am pretty confident that he will eventually want to name a child after him. His name was [name_m]Norman[/name_m] (HN: [name_m]Nachman[/name_m]); we are not particularly set on the Hebrew name being exact. I like [name_u]Noah[/name_u] and [name_m]Nathan[/name_m] as options for a boy and [name_f]Noa[/name_f], [name_f]Nina[/name_f], [name_f]Naomi[/name_f], or [name_f]Natalie[/name_f] for a girl.
Other people that we are definitely clear to name after:
[name_f]Rose[/name_f] (HN: [name_f]Rivka[/name_f]) - [name_f]Rose[/name_f], [name_u]Reese[/name_u], [name_u]Ruby[/name_u]
[name_u]Carmine[/name_u] (No HN) - [name_f]Claire[/name_f], [name_m]Caleb[/name_m]
[name_u]Barrett[/name_u] - my last name, would use as is, but only as a middle name for the first son
Other people we hope we won’t be able to name after but probably will:
[name_f]Estelle[/name_f] (HN: [name_f]Chana[/name_f]): [name_f]Stella[/name_f], [name_f]Hannah[/name_f], [name_f]Estee[/name_f]/[name_f]Esti[/name_f]
[name_m]Edmund[/name_m] (HN: [name_m]Yitzhak[/name_m]): [name_m]Isaac[/name_m], [name_u]Evan[/name_u]
I also really love [name_u]Ariel[/name_u], [name_f]Maya[/name_f], [name_u]Yael[/name_u], [name_f]Talia[/name_f], and [name_f]Margot[/name_f] for girls and [name_m]Jonah[/name_m], [name_m]Judah[/name_m], and [name_m]Milo[/name_m] for boys. I would appreciate any input on any of these names!