Erm...not trying to concieve, but concerned I may be pregnant

I was put on birth control two months ago to alleviate pain from PCOS and endometriosis. The first month I was on it, everything was wonderful. I was no longer in pain. At the end of the month, I had my period as scheduled, but I did a full 360 and now feel worse than I did before. I’ve been spotting for almost two weeks now, I’m always nauseous, but hungry at the same time. The smell of certain foods makes me want to vomit. My breasts have swollen considerably and they feel tender and heavy all the time, I’m always tired, and my mood swings have been through the roof. I know that some of these are symptoms of being on birth control, but these are also symptoms of pregnancy. I’ve taken my pills religiously at the same time every day and haven’t missed a dose, but my boyfriend and I did have sex when I was on the sugar pills in late [name]March[/name] (which I did not know are placebos until just recently). [name]Do[/name] you think I could be pregnant, or do you think this is just birth control side effects?

[name]One[/name] way to know - do a test - It is very possible to get pregnant on the pill! [name]Even[/name] if you take them correctly - some people’s bodies just don’t respond.

It could be side effects - but I personally would want to know either way ASAP.

You really need to take a pregnancy test if there is the possibility you are pregnant. That’s the only way to know whether or not you are pregnant. You can get them from the dollar store if money is an issue but I personally prefer First Response, in the pink box.

I agree with PPs - take a test to be sure. I’m not at all a doctor but my guess is that it’s the pills. I sometimes have some spotting and I tend to swell up during my period, and I’m on the pill.

Someone please correct me if I’m wrong but being on the “sugar pill” won’t make you pregnant. The hormones build up over the month and they dip down low enough to get your period, but not enough to make you ovulate (this is what I’m unsure about. I get how it works, but it’s hard to explain). The pill prevents you from ovulating. [name]One[/name] thing though… the pills take a couple weeks to really “kick in” so I suppose since you haven’t been on them long there is a possibility. Plus there is ALWAYS a small chance it will fail. If I remember correctly, someone I know got pregnant while on the pill AND using a condom so… be careful!

But anyways, like I said, I am NOT a doctor so don’t take what I said as necessarily being true. Go pick up a test to be sure. I’d take a couple to be 100% sure. If that’s not enough, go into the doctor and they can tell you for sure.

People can get pregnant while on birth control, but I also had “symptoms” when I first got married and started taking it. Nausia, colds, extreme hunger, mood swings. Still I was so scared I was pregnant because my period was even late but it was all the birth control (oh yeah, and completely unrelated food poisoning, that’s why I was throwing up) But take a test and see. :slight_smile: good luck, and I hope you feel better!

When I was on the pill I would always question if I was or not, heck I took at least 5 pregnancy tests over a year because i would worry. It can’t hurt to take a test, to be sure. If it says negative after 2 tests then just set up an appointment with you doctor and discuss everything. They know whats going on before we do sometimes :slight_smile: