
Thoughts on the name Esperensa, please. Is it a legitimate/semi-legitimate variant of [name]Esperanza[/name]? We think [name]Esperanza[/name] is beautiful with a great meaning (hope) but does anyone know of more variants of [name]Esperanza[/name] that could be used in a family that is not Hispanic? Found Esperensa used in a family tree-love the look and possible nickname [name]Ren[/name]. Thank you for thoughts and suggestions.

We have a school out here named something like, [name]Esperanza[/name] Middle School… so that’s what I automatically think of. I think It would be a little odd to meet a child who wasn’t hispanic with that name. What do you think of the name [name]Hope[/name]? Would that work? Or maybe in the middle name spot?

I’ve never heard of [name]Esperansa[/name] as a variant, and it looks kind of wrong to me. [name]Esperanza[/name] is an actual word in Spanish, meaning both “hope” and “wait” (the verb is esperanzar.) For that reason, I wouldn’t change the spelling. I think it’s a tad bit odd on a non-hispanic kid, but not totally outrageous. I like [name]Ren[/name] as a nickname, though personally I’d use Anza.

It honestly looks misspelled to me, because I have known an [name]Esperanza[/name], but I know Spanish can be even more flexible than English in name spelling, so it’s not the worst. I would be a little surprised to meet a little child with no connection to Spanish language or Spanish/Latino culture named [name]Esperanza[/name]/[name]Esperansa[/name], but, I mean, I’d get over it : D. [name]Esme[/name] strikes me as a little close, also [name]Estelle[/name] or [name]Estella[/name]. I think Espera might be a little less clunky, it’s like a command to hope in Spanish, although also a command to wait : D. Espera makes me think of [name]Esther[/name] and [name]Elspeth[/name] and Hesper and [name]Vesper[/name] and [name]Vespa[/name]. If you like the nickname [name]Ren[/name] I would suggest you consider [name]Wren[/name] and plenty names with an -ren sequence (an even clearer connection than [name]Esperanza[/name]/[name]Esperansa[/name], which has -ran, technically).

Good luck!

I want to say that Speranza is an Italian name (could be wrong/might not be very common). Btn has a listing for Sperantia as a Late [name]Roman[/name] variation. I like Spera a lot for nickname.

Thanks for the responses. Our daughter’s name is actually [name]Vesper[/name], which we love, so that is probably why Esperensa/[name]Esperanza[/name] is so attractive (they are so similar in look and sound). I was really looking for another Latin rooted name like [name]Vesper[/name]. [name]Esperanza[/name] is so thoroughly Spanish but is really from Latin “spes” for hope so I was looking to find a non-Spanish variant. Found Espérance, the French form but is kind of sounds like experience which is not good.