Estella or Laurel?

Big sister’s name is [name]Cecilia[/name]. She does go by CC too, so I wrote potential nicknames for little sister as well:

[name]Cecilia[/name] and [name]Estella[/name] (CC and [name]Stella[/name])
[name]Cecilia[/name] and [name]Laurel[/name] (CC and [name]LoLo[/name])

What do you think? I appreciate all the help you Berries give!!

My choice: [name]Estella[/name]!

I prefer [name]Laurel[/name] but I think [name]Estella[/name] sounds better with [name]Cecilia[/name].

I know I already posted on your other thread, so I’m not sure I’m qualified to vote, but I’d go with [name]Laurel[/name]! I love how it matches with [name]Cecilia[/name] without sounding too similar.

[name]Estella[/name] on both accountants. :slight_smile:

[name]Laurel[/name]! It’s so pretty! I don’t care for [name]Estella[/name] at all sorry.

CC and [name]Stella[/name] sound perfect together, so I say [name]Estella[/name]. [name]Laurel[/name] is lovely too though.

[name]Laurel[/name] is lovely with [name]Cecilia[/name].

Ooo tough call! I actually like them both equally believe it or not. I think I like [name]LoLo[/name] as a nn better than [name]Stella[/name] though…so I’ll go with [name]Laurel[/name].